(Beijing News) Fu Ying, deputy chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress of China, believes that in the past two or three years, the lack of direct communication opportunities in China and Europe has deepened the misunderstandings of Europeans.Affected.

Fu Ying, who had served as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, wrote to the surging news after the Munich Security Conference. The main reason for the deepening of misunderstandings is that when the Europeans are in a sense of security crisis due to Ukraine issues, the attitude and policy on ChinaLack of understanding.This article was published on the eve of the first anniversary of the Russian and Ukraine War (February 23).

Fu Ying wrote that many Europeans believe that Sino -European relations have now entered a stage of more difficult and even "critical points", and contradictions and differences when problems occur often have cooperated.

Fu Ying pointed out that in terms of policies for China, Europe has been greatly influenced by the United States' strategic competition in China, but unlike the presence of the United States anxious China itself (WHO You Are), what is the European anxiety is what China is doing (What you do).She believes that Europe has dissatisfaction and opinions on China, but the focus of attention lies in how to solve these specific problems and overcome obstacles in the relationship between the two parties.

She mentioned that in the German strategy of China, it proposed to define China as "Systemic Rivalry", and the word "RIVALRY" used means the word "Competition" (competition) used by the United States than the United States.It is also important, there are "zero and meaning of this is the same."She revealed that in the discussion with the official think tanks of Germany, the Chinese delegation questioned Germany's intention to "institutional competition".

Fu Ying wrote that although Europeans are difficult to identify with China in ideology and other aspects, they do not conflict about communication. They will ask questions to explain China.She believes that some contradictions in China -Europe relations seem to be dead, but the key to solving is whether they can treat each other sincerely, communicate frankly, and put into action.