Henan Shangqiu City Public Transport Co., Ltd.On the 23rd) At 8 am, at 8 am, a announcement was issued without a warning on the official WeChat public account "Shangqiu Bus", saying that the company's current operation is extremely difficult and can no longer bear public welfare undertakings and people's livelihood projects of the people.Matter the bus line of the city's urban area.

It is unexpected that less than two hours after the announcement was issued, it was suddenly deleted.Soon after, the "Shangqiu Bus" issued another notice, which turned 180 degrees, indicating that the company "will overcome difficulties and ensure that the bus does not stop transporting without affecting public travel."

At about 12 noon that day, the Shangqiu Municipal Government also explained through the online information office public account "Internet Information Shangqiu", saying that affected by the epidemic, Shangqiu bus operations did encounter difficulties.It will be settled in accordance with the law, and the situation will be explained in accordance with the law, and it will be further relieved to ensure the normal operation of public transportation in the urban area.

Although the interpretation of the municipal government has let many people feel at ease, the "U turn" of Shangqiu Bus still attracts multiple attention.

There are more than 7 million people in Shangqiu City, located in the eastern part of Henan Province. In 2018, it was identified as the second batch of "bus priority" demonstration cities in the province.Efficiency, the goal is to save public resources, reduce pollutant emissions, and improve social livelihood.Shangqiu's economic development level and population conditions are not yet in line with the requirements of the provincial government and applying for the construction of subways and light rails. What I did not expect was that a epidemic was swept away, and the citizens almost didn't even sit in the bus.

Public information shows that Shangqiu Public Transport Co., Ltd. was established in 2006, operating urban passenger transportation business, with a registered capital of 5 million yuan (RMB, Same as the same, S $ 970,000).Waves, 67.6 % of the shareholding, a total of more than 4,000 employees, including 1,868 employees who pay social security, and operating more than 2,000 buses.

In the first announcement of deleted, Shangqiu Public Transport described many problems facing the company's current operation.

Announcement said that due to the impact of the impact of the epidemic of crown disease, the adjustment of the national new energy subsidy policy, and the inadequate fiscal subsidy, the company's current losses are very serious, and it is extremely difficult to operate.Payment, vehicle charging costs, vehicle insurance and other funds have no funds to purchase, and can no longer bear the public welfare undertakings and people's livelihood projects of ordinary people's travel.

商丘公交星期四(2月23The first announcement issued in the morning describes many problems facing the company's current operation.This announcement was deleted that day.(Internet)

In short, it is that Shangqiu Bus has no money to maintain the basic operation of public transportation, and it is unable to bear the cost of manpower and have to announce the suspension.

Since Shangqiu Bus has not announced its financial report and cannot know the company's losses, from the employee's statement, it may be able to see the dilemma facing Shangqiu Bus from the side.

A number of Shangqiu bus employees interviewed by China News Weekly, Caixian and other media, and they all accused themselves that they had not received their salary for several months.One of the employees accused: "Our salary has been in arrears since October last year, and now it has been arrears for five months."

The other staff said: "It probably started in April last year.Monthly can only send more than 1,000 yuan of living security for the driver, and now the guarantee cannot be issued. "Another employee revealed that hundreds of buses in the company were bought by loans. Now the annual insurance premiums cannot be paid.It's particularly difficult.

In fact, the current dilemma of Shangqiu Bus has signs of signs a few years ago, but these issues have been outbreak now.

It is difficult to follow the outbreak of bus services.

For more than three years of the outbreak of the crown disease, Chinese officials have implemented strict prevention and control measures, resulting in low willingness to travel, bus carrying passengers, and passengers carrying passengers.The quantity declined sharply.In order to save operating costs, the bus company had to reduce the number of bus operations.

Even if the bus does not travel, employee salary, vehicle maintenance, insurance costs still need to be paid on time to further exacerbate operating pressure.

Coronation of crown diseases that brop for outbreaks since 2019The epidemic has a great impact on the operation of Shangqiu Bus.(Shangqiu Bus WeChat Public Account)

The Shangqiu Transportation Bureau issued a post in December 2020 that the sudden crown disease epidemic has had a significant impact on the road passenger transport industry, and operators generally have business difficulties, and policies need to be strengthened urgently.Support.

In May of last year, some citizens of Shangqiu reported that nearly half of the public transport in the city had been suspended, which caused great inconvenience to life.The next month of the Shangqiu Transportation Bureau responded, "After the buses are restored in an orderly manner, the passenger flow has fallen in a cliff. At present, the transportation capacity of the bus is less than 70 %, and the cold bus lines of more than 30 % are inadequate./P>

Even if passenger traffic is reduced, it is difficult for the company to increase the fare.A Shangqiu bus employee said that some lines had tried to raise the fare to 2 yuan, but attracted many citizens to rebound, "because the price of this problem has not been raised."

After the Chinese people walked out of the haze of the epidemic in January this year, and the restoration of their lives, Shangqiu Bus resumed the operation of 12 urban buses and 14 suburban lines.Shangqiu Bus also issued a New Year's congratulatory word this year, "'No winter is overwhelming, no spring will not come', we have said this sentence for three years, and this year is the most looking forward to it."

Unfortunately, what is a pity is that what I regret is the regretful.Although the spring is here, Shangqiu Bus has already hurt his vitality, and it seems suspicious to survive.The reason behind this is not only the decreased passenger capacity and operating income under the crown disease epidemic, but also more complicated local financial issues.

Eating tight local finances

In China, the positioning of urban and rural buses is public welfare projects. Bus companies cannot transform into private enterprises and operate according to the principle of marketization.Even if the company is semi -private, it is difficult to make a profit.Therefore, in addition to the marginal income brought by passengers, the bus company can only rely on local government subsidies to provide basic public transport services.

This also means that once the local finance is tight and the subsidy is not in place, the bus company will soon have a business deficit, making it difficult for bus services to serve.The problem.

In order to accelerate the pace of new energy buses to replace fuel buses in 2015, the Chinese government launched a subsidy policy to provide a maximum of 80,000 new energy buses with a mileage of not less than 30,000 kilometers.Yuan's subsidy to encourage bus companies to turn to use new energy buses.This subsidy, like the previous fuel subsidy policy, has become the "life -saving straw" of many bus companies.

However, this subsidy policy ended in 2019. In addition, the impact of the crown disease epidemic later, the local bus companies fell down like bones due to difficulty in operating, and then affected the city's public transportation services.

In addition to Shangqiu Bus, in August last year, Dancheng County Bus Company, Zhoukou City, Henan Province, also issued a suspension notice, saying that it was difficult to operate and did not pay the salary;Local bank loans; since the end of 2022Liaoning Huludao City, Jianchang County, Jianchang County, Liaoning City, a number of convenience service vehicles in Guangzhou Fanyu, Heilongjiang Mohe Bus Company, and Yulin Dingbian County Bus Company, Shaanxi, have been suspended due to difficulty in operating and serious losses.

In fact, several representatives of the National People's Congress made suggestions for the hope of continuing to continue the subsidy policy of new energy buses last June.At that time, the Chinese Ministry of Finance's response was: "Urban bus belongs to local rights, and it is advisable to bear the relevant expenditure responsibilities by localities, and through local financial arrangements."

However, various local governments during the crown disease epidemicEpidemic, the implementation of a large -scale nucleic acid testing and sealing city has used a large amount of fiscal budget, coupled with the highly dependent land revenue of local governments, has never improved due to the downturn in the Chinese real estate market.

The First Financial Wednesday (February 22) reported that the income of government funds in 29 provinces in China declined last year. Among them%; Only land transfer revenue in Hainan and Shanghai has maintained an increase of 31 % and 7.7 %, respectively.

Under such circumstances, the local government has been in a timeless, let alone increase the subsidy of the bus company.

Take Shangqiu City as an example. Among the city's fiscal appropriation expenditure in 2021, 6.53 million yuan was deployed for public transport operation subsidies, but by 2022, the expenditure was cut to 3.3 million yuan.

The Shangqiu Municipal Government has not announced the amount of subsidies in 2023, but the decline in fiscal revenue will inevitably affect the timely or in place of the local government's subsidies for bus companies.

In addition, according to Caixin.com and local media reports, compared with other prefecture -level cities in Henan Province, the local debt burden in Shangqiu City is large, and the contradiction between fiscal revenue and expenditure is more prominent.In 2022, the general public budget revenue of Shangqiu City was 2.71 billion yuan, an increase of 100 million yuan from 2021, but the expenditure expanded 1.16 billion yuan to 9.25 billion yuan.In January this year, the city of Shangqiu started a total of 132 major infrastructure projects, with a total investment of 167 billion yuan.

Associate Professor of the School of Law of Southeast University and Executive Director of the Centers of Traffic and Law and Development Research Center, Gu Dasong believes that local finances are not legal to subsidize the public transport company.It is difficult for a bus company to get enough subsidies.

In fact, the "U turn" of Shangqiu Bus this time is not a case. The bus companies that have been announced before have been withdrawn soon after issuing a suspension announcement, and the local government departments are restored under the intervention of the local government departments.operations.

The turmoil of Shangqiu Bus this time may be just a "wolf coming". After all, public transportation is a public product.However, the fiscal problems behind this, as well as the hidden dangers and risks it may bring, will not be resolved because of the intervention of political power.