The China Youth Daily published a comment article saying that the low fertility rate is becoming the main risk that affects the balanced development of the domestic population. To resolve such risks, not only need to eliminate the fertility of young people, but also to reduce their marriage anxiety.Only by allowing young people to enter the palace of marriage can they encourage them to bear the responsibility of their parents.

The article mentioned that China has introduced many maternity support measures including maternity subsidies, including Shenyang, Shenzhen, Jinan, Changsha, Harbin and other cities.However, the "big population" Hangzhou does not seem to be short of people nor "life". It also issued a policy of encouraging fertility on February 22, that is, this year will have the first child and wife to have two children and three children to the same couple.The family registration of children born in Hangzhou is issued for parenting subsidies. It is intended to issue 5,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1,000) to the two -child family, and issue a subsidy of 20,000 yuan to the three -child family at one time.

Hangzhou seems neither lack of people nor "life". In fact, this is just an illusion.At present, the latest data has not yet been announced, but according to the data released by the Zhejiang Statistics Bureau last year, Hangzhou, the lowest fertility rate in Zhejiang Province, is only 0.96.According to the theory of population, the total fertility rate of 2.1 is the basic condition for maintaining intergenerational replacement and stable population; 1.5 is a cordon recognized by the international community. Once it falls below 1.5, it may fall into the "low fertility trap".In other words, Hangzhou planning ahead is an inevitable move to promote the long -term balanced development of the population.

The article then commented that the risk of resolving low fertility rates not only needs to eliminate the fertility of young people, but also need to reduce their marriage anxiety.Born and daughter means long and hard work. The sense of gain and security of young people is an important parameter to determine their family concepts.In this sense, while introducing measures to support the active fertility of the age -aged couple, it is necessary to provide a broader development space for young people, so that they have more strength and confidence to operate families and embrace life.