Chen Jiachang, directorIndustry, as a new growth engine, continues to give strong support.Not According to the website of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, at a press conference held on Friday (February 24) of the State Council News Office, some reporters asked questions that ChatGPT caused a wide range of response in China. How does the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology think of thisWhat are the considerations of the Ministry of Science and Technology in terms of regulatory technology?Not Minister of Science and Technology of China Wang Zhigang replied that these are about two questions. One is how to view ChatGPT, the other is how to deal with ethics, how to promote development and take into account the two sides of technology, and strengthen ethical norms.He said that ChatGPT itself is a big model, namely big data, large computing power, and strong algorithms.ChatGPT does have improved in terms of natural language understanding and natural language processing. At the same time, it has advanced an effective combination in algorithms, data, and computing power.Not Wang Zhigang also said that after China's new technologies, including AI technology, have taken some corresponding measures in termsEssenceNot Chen Jiachang also responded that ChatGPT recently formed a phenomenal application, showing a high level of human -computer interaction, and also showing that the large model of natural language already has some characteristics of general artificial intelligence.There are extensive application potential in many industries.As a strategic emerging technology, artificial intelligence has increasingly become an important driving force for technological innovation, industrial upgrading and productivity.Human -machine dialogue based on natural language is an important direction for artificial intelligence development.Not Chen Jiachang continued, in the next step, the Ministry of Science and Technology will use artificial intelligence as a strategic emerging industry and give strong support from four aspects.The first is to promote the establishment of an open -collaborative artificial intelligence innovation system, and to accelerate basic theoretical research and major technical research.The second is to promote the deep integration of artificial intelligence and the economy and society, refine technology in major application scenarios, upgrade iteration, and cultivate the market.The third is to promote the establishment of artificial intelligence and safe and controllable governance system.The fourth is to promote the open cooperation of artificial intelligence in all aspects.