The Taiwan Supervisory Committee applied for an investigation of the former spokesman of the Executive Yuan Chen Zongyan involved in the corruption case. Chen Jianren, president of the Executive Dean, said that he respected the judicial investigation procedure and the authority of the supervisory committee.

According to the Taiwan China Times, Chen Zongyan was reported to be sexually entertaining corruption recently.In the Supervisory Institute, Chen Zongyan issued Chen Zongyan's words and deeds during the Tainan Municipal Government.Because the incident will definitely become the focus of offensive and defense in the field, Chen Jianren, president of the administrative dean who is about to stand up to the inquiry platform, said on Friday that the parties to the incident have explained to the outside world that he respects the judicial investigation procedures and the authority of the supervisory committee.

Wang Meiyu, Lin Guoming, and Su Liqiong of the three supervisors of the Taiwan Supervision Institute pointed out on Thursday that Chen Zongyan was suspected of receiving the improper hospitality of the industry and accepted Lian Heng and Wang Xiaowei for bribery due to relevant cases affiliated to the Tainan City Government.Disposure of violating the regulations on the crimes of corruption, but subsequent investigation as a controversy, involving judicial information and the image of the government, and has applied for automatic investigation.After the meeting, it was officially issued.

Chen Zongyan broke out that he was suspected of malfeasance and sexual enrollment scandals, and he even involved serious judicial packages.After the case was exposed, the Taiwan Ministry of Justice instructed the Taiwan Higher Procuratorate (High Procuratorate) to investigate.The investigation team with the Kaohsiung Procuratorate (high -ranking inspection) went to the Tainan Local Procuratorate (South Inspection) to retrieve the film. In addition, the South Procuratorate has also restarted the investigation of the Chen Zongyan case.

The Minister of Legal Affairs of Taiwan, Cai Qingxiang, will go to the Legislative Yuan on Friday. It is expected that the legislators of the court will question Cai Qingxiang on this matter.Lai Zhexiong, the prosecutor of the High Prosecutor's Office of the investigation, also sorted out information in the office on Thursday. The media asked if he started writing the investigation report of the Chen Zongyan case. Lai Zhexiong was unwilling to explain.

In addition, Zhang Wenzheng, the prosecutor of the Tainan Procuratorate at the time of Chen Zongyan's case, is now 70 years old and will retire in the middle of next month.

The Taiwan Supervision Commission said that when Chen Zongyan, a former spokesman for the Executive Yuan, served as the director of the Tainan Municipal Government's News and International Relations Division, did he damage the reputation of civil servants and the government?Is it acceptable?Is it a chance to use the opportunity to use the job?If the Tainan Procuratorate knows that Chen Zongyan is suspected of criminal, what is the actual handling situation?Are you lazy investigation?Is there any violation of or improper situation of relevant civil servants?Related doubts are necessary to understand in -depth investigations.