Fu Ying, former deputy foreign director of China, said that she felt that Europeans misunderstood China. The main reason was thatWhen they fell into a deep sense of security crisis due to the Ukrainian issue, they lacked their understanding of China's attitude and policies.NotSurging News reported on Thursday (February 23) that during the attendance of the Munich Safety Conference, many Europeans talked that there were few opportunities to hear the Chinese people's policies and practices directly in these two or three years.As a result, the knowledge of China is even more affected by prejudice.They feel that the relationship between Europe and China has entered a more difficult stage, and there are often contradictions and differences when problems occur.Some German scholars remind that the relationship between Europe and China has reached the "critical point", and the two sides should seriously face and solve the existing problems.NotIn Europe's policies to China, Fu Ying said that Europeans have been greatly influenced by the United States' strategic competition in China.Germany is also developing its own strategy to China, one of which is to define China as "Systemic Rivalry".For the word Systemic, Europeans refer to political systems and ideological issues.In addition, the meaning of RIVALY is more important than the word Competition (competition) used by the United States to compete in China.NotIn the discussion with German officials and think tanks, Ying and his party repeatedly questioned the intention of "institutional competition" proposed by Germany to "institutional competition" with the German side, asking the German side to explain the idea of the final competition.Fu Ying said that Germany has never considered this issue in depth, or is unwilling or dare not say her true intention.She asked the German side to propose to "institutional competition" with China. Is the purpose of fighting for the pros and cons of the system, or is Germany's imagination of "the dispute of institutional replacement"?NotYing pointed out that after the Cold War, the West tried to output the democratic system of other countries after the Cold War, but the result was either war or social trauma.And the success of the Chinese government under the leadership of the Chinese government is by no means that any external forces can be shaken, and of course, it is not possible to copy it easily in other countries.NotYing also mentioned that although German and even other Europeans are difficult to recognize China in ideology and other aspects, all parties are not conflicting with communication and are very welcome and look forward to.There are many puzzles and confusions on China's European -related policies, and they will ask a series of issues to explain and explain the Chinese delegation.NotSome contradictions in China -Europe relations seem to be dead. Fu Ying believes that the key is whether they can treat each other sincerely, communicate frankly and put into action.She quoted the Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech saying that China -Europe relations are related to the stability of the global pattern and the prosperity of the Asia -Europe mainland, which is worthy of the efforts and development of both parties.NotSino -US relations, Fu Ying believes that The fundamental reason why the United States changes the attitude and policies in China is that the United States has deep doubts and even fear of China, which has grown rapid growth into China, which is afraid that China has more world power, thereby challenging the global dominance of the United States.The United States participants can be said to be "the opposite of the middle". China's ideology, economic policy, and relations with Russia have all become the targets they have accused.Fu Ying pointed out that some European scholars say that it is not what China is doing, but the existence of China itself (WHO You Are), which is what China is doing.