Ni Minjing, a member of the Chinese CPPCC and deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, said that it is necessary to improve the employment adaptability of college students and encourage college students to not be able to "central government" (central enterprise, state -owned enterprise, civil servant).

According to the surging news report, Ni Minjing will submit two proposals at the two national sessions this year.He introduced the proposal content in an interview on Thursday (February 23).On the issue of employment of young people, Ni Minjing said that now, not only college students seek stability, but middle school students are stabilizing.Some time ago, I saw a junior high school student and a high school student who asked them to have life steadily.Social changes are too fast. Many people want to stabilize and have more sense of security. This is a social problem, not just a problem for college graduates.

He proposed that on the one hand, it is necessary to improve the employment adaptation ability of college students, on the other hand, encourage college students to not be able to "central government" (state -owned enterprises, state -owned enterprises, civil servants).The market, to be a valuable small science and technology innovation enterprise, may become a unicorn in the future, not only contribute to society, but also bring a very beautiful and challenging life to themselves.

Ni Minjing said that when he was a civil servant, he saw his head at a glance; but in the science and technology enterprise, (the future) could not be seen, it was difficult to imagine.The government encourages college students to make a variety of attempts. Do not feel that social changes are quickly stabilized. Because of the fast social changes, there are many opportunities for college students.