Regarding how many houses in China have, the China National New Office mentioned at a press conference that China already has nearly 600 million urban and rural house buildings.

According to daily economic news and interface news reports, Zheng Guoguang, Secretary -General of the China National Disaster Speed Commission, said at the press conference on February 15 that the housing urban and rural construction industry has obtained nearly 600 million urban and rural housing building data in the countryAnd more than 800,000 municipal facilities data.The transportation industry has completed more than 5 million kilometers of road networks, more than 900,000 bridges and tunnels, as well as surveys of more than 6,000 berths of more than 10,000 tons of coastal and more than 1,500 kilometers, and 15,000 kilometers.Essence

The topic of "official disclosure of 600 million houses across the country" appeared on the hot search on Thursday (February 23), and whether the house was excessive and heated.

Judging from the specific content and description of the conference, "600 million buildings" refers to the total amount of urban and rural buildings across the country, including not only homesteads, but also non -residential buildings, such as business, Hotel, office, school, hospital, factory, etc.

Seven Papa statistics show that in 2020, the total area of Chinese housing exceeds 50 billion square meters, and the number of households in the household has 1.49 billion rooms.From the perspective of pure mathematics calculations, the average Chinese housing area of Chinese people has reached 41.8 square meters per person, and the number of lives per capita has reached 1.2 rooms per person. The total number has entered the era of "no shortage of houses".