Taote and Taotai, a Chinese technology giant Alibaba, continued to lose money.Zhang Yong, chairman and CEO of Ali Board, said that price subsidies are not new, but no company can change the situation through its own continuous price subsidies.

According to China News Service, at the financial report after Alibaba released the financial report after the third quarter of fiscal year in fiscal year on Thursday (23), Zhang Yong said that price subsidies are not new things.Some people want to reverse the situation through subsidies and win the opportunity, but no company can subsidize the situation through its own continuous price subsidies.P> Alibaba's financial report shows that in this quarter, Taot and Tao cuisine continued to reduce losses year -on -year.Affected by the continuous improvement of business operations, the losses of the Ali life service sector are also accelerating and narrowing.During the same period year -on -year, the loss of the life service sector was significantly reduced by nearly 40 %.