U.S. Secretary of State Brosky said that the Chinese government has approved the company's company to provide non -fatal military -civilian aid to Russia's war in Ukraine in Ukraine.

According to Bloomberg, Brinken said on a dialogue activity held at the Atlantic Magazine on Thursday (February 23): "The non -fatal and dual support provided by Chinese companies is almost definitely the country.Approved, because they are not different, but there is no support for fatal arms. However, in the past few months, we have also received information on China that is now being strongly considered (providing fatal arms). "

Last weekend last weekendBrincken had warned Chinese diplomats in person not to provide a fatal weapon to Russia.The United States has sanctions Chinese companies that assist Russia to fight, including a satellite company that provides Ukrainian ground images to Russian mercenaries.

U.S. officials have previously accused China of provinging diplomatic, economic and publicity support for Moscow.

Bloomberg reported that Brinken's statement of the Chinese government's acquiescence enterprises to help the Russian military's remarks through military and civilian dual -use materials will only exacerbate the tension of the situation.Since the Bayeon government has identified and shot down the suspected Chinese spy balloon flying over the country, the relationship between the two countries has deteriorated.

Brinken said on Thursday that he hopes that China can receive such information: when Beijing's zero -zero policy for years and more participating in global diplomacy will provide military support for Russia's aggression, which will weakenChina's international reputation.

Brinken said: "I hope, but expressed in a very clear way that China can get this information, because it comes from us, but it comes from us, but also from many other countries. We don't want to see it.China helps and encourages Russia's war in Ukraine in a substantive way. Therefore, when China strives to launch a charm offensive and restores contact with other countries while getting out of the crown disease epidemicAnd further alienate with others. "