Russia announced, Foreign Minister Lavorov met with Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China on Wednesday (February 22).Essence

According to Reuters, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zaharava said in a statement: "We noticed some Western politicians and media reports about some kind of" China Peace Plan ". They are as usual., Trends the real situation. "

Zhaharava said:" China introduces us to their views on the root cause of the Ukrainian crisis and the way to solve problems at the political level. No separate plans."

Chinese officials have also announced that they will release a position document on political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.

Russia also said on Wednesday that China is welcome to play a more positive role in trying to solve the Ukrainian issue and pay attention to China's balanced practices.

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced that Wang Yi met with Raftrov and Russian President Putin, respectively, and said that China will continue to hold an objective and fair position as ever to play a constructive role for political solution to crisis.