The Bank of China Insurance Supervision and Management Committee and the People's Bank of China formulate the business bank's financial asset risk classification measures to propose that commercial banks should respond to reorganization assets to set up reorganization observation periods.The first repayment date agreed in the observation period is calculated at least two consecutive repayment periods, and it shall not be less than 1 year.

According to the website of the Bank of China Insurance Supervision and Administration, in order to further promote commercial banks to accurately identify and evaluate credit risks, and truly reflect the quality of assets, the China Banking Regulatory Commission has jointly formulated the above measures with the People's Bank of China and officially released the official release and officially releasedIt is scheduled to be implemented from July 1 this year.

A total of 48 methods are required to follow the principles of authenticity, timely, prudential and independence, and carry out risk classification of all internal and external financial assets that undertake credit risks.Compared with the current guidelines, the method has expanded the scope of assets of risk classification, proposed a new definition of risk classification, emphasizing the classification concept centered on the debtor's performance ability, and further clarifying the objective indicators and requirements of risk classification.At the same time, the method put forward systematic requirements for commercial banks to strengthen risk classification management, and clarify relevant measures for supervision and management.

The method divides the financial assets into five categories according to the degree of risk, respectively, focusing on categories, sub -categories, suspicious categories, and losses.

The method also stipulates that commercial banks should respond to reorganization assets and reorganize observation periods.The first repayment date agreed in the observation period is calculated at least two consecutive repayment periods, and it shall not be less than 1 year.At the end of the observation period, if the debtor has resolved financial difficulties and repaid in accordance with the contract in accordance with the contract during the observation period, the relevant assets may no longer be identified as reorganized assets.

If the debtor does not resolve financial difficulties at the end of the observation period, the observation period should be re -calculated.If the debtor does not repay in time during the observation period, it should never start when the contract is not fulfilled to re -calculate the observation period.