Wen Qihua, director of the Macau Tourism Administration, predicts that this year's government ticket preferential plan can send 120,000 air tickets to mainland China, Taiwan and overseas, and the support is equivalent to the past three years.She said that officials have launched air tickets and hotel discounts since September 2020. Even during the epidemic, they still strive to attract mainland tourists to Macau.

(Macau Comprehensive News) After Hong Kong announced that it will send 500,000 air tickets to attract tourists, the Macau Tourism Bureau also announced that it is expected to send 120,000 tickets to mainland China, Taiwan and overseas this year, and provide preferential discounts such as overnight funding., Further promote the resurrection of the local tourism industry after the epidemic.

According to the Macau Daily, the Director of the Macau Tourism Bureau Wen Qihua estimated at a press conference on Friday (February 3) that this year's government ticket preferential plan can be sent to the mainland, Taiwan and overseas.Just equivalent to the past three years.

Wen Qihua introduced that the official has done a lot of work on promoting the recovery of the Macau tourism industry. Since September 2020, air tickets and hotel discounts have been launched. Even during the epidemic, they still strive to attract mainland tourists to Macau.She said that since the launch of the offer, it involves a total of 377,000 tickets, and the hotel's 50 % off vouchers involve about 2.18 million rooms.

Wen Qihua also said that the official travel funding plan is to hope that passengers will stay overnight in Macau and extend the time of staying in Australia.Yuan (Macau dollars, the same below, about S $ 24) subsidies, tourists from mainland China outside Guangdong will receive 250 yuan per person per night.As for overseas tourists, the Tourism Bureau is expected to fund the amplifier than mainland tourists, but the details are still in discussion.

Li Weinong, the director of the Macau Economic and Financial Secretary, said at the press conference that in addition to developing mainland customers, the Tourism Bureau will also launch preferential tourism measures to overseas, hoping to balance the growth of passengers.

Li Weinong said that the official will prepare for recovery at nearly 40 million visiting passenger standards for visiting Australia in 2019.He introduced that since the Macau epidemic prevention measures have been further relaxed on January 8th, although the tourism market has not recovered to previous year standards, the average entry passengers have exceeded 50,200 people from January 8th to 31st this year.The number of hotel occupancy also increased significantly.

Tourism Bureau: I hope that the mainland tour group arrives in Australia on the first day

Li Weinong pointed out that at this stage, it is not easy for the guests to come. It is even more difficult for tourists to come home and come to Macau. He calls on everyone to do a good job of welcoming passengers.He also emphasized that the government's various recovery measures are not constant measures, and they will dynamically evaluate investment resources at different stages, and will also coordinate with relevant departments to make passengers and residents reach a good balance point.

On the other hand, Wen Qihua described the official approval of the mainland to comprehensively restore the exchanges between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao from the next Monday (February 6), including restoring the tourism business activities of mainland residents and the Macau team, which is the good news of the tourism industry in Macau.

She said that Macau has been prepared for a long time and hopes that the starting group will arrive in Australia on the 6th.

Li Weinong also said that although the holiday from the 15th (February 5th) to the "May 1st" is relatively tourist season, he believes that the recovery group will help the Macau tourism market, especially the re -group not only this time not onlyIt is the "four provinces and one city", but all parts of mainland China.

Because of the mainland's zero -epidemic prevention policy and cross -border gambling governance operations, Macau Casino has basically been cold for most of the time in 2022, and the lucky gaming hair income has declined for 10 consecutive months.

But after relaxation of immigration control on the mainland, Macau Gaming Supervision and Coordination Bureau stated on Wednesday (February 1) that Macau's lucky gaming revenue in January increased by 82.5 % year -on -yearThe teacher increased by 36.5 %.

This is the first growth since February last year, and it is also the highest monthly income since January 2020.