(Beijing Bloomberg) The regulatory strike of the Chinese government and the continued sluggish real estate market have led to the proportion of private enterprises in the total market value of large enterprises for two consecutive years.

According to Bloomberg News on Friday (February 2), Peterson Institute of International Economic Research Institute tracked the above conclusions after the proportion of the market value of private enterprises in the top 100 listed companies in China since 2010.In addition to private enterprises, the top 100 companies also include wholly -owned enterprises and state -owned controlling enterprises.

Data show that as of the end of 2022, the share of private enterprises in the top 100 listed companies has fallen by five percentage points from the same period the previous year to 42.8 %.This number reached 54 % in 2020, the year of the highest market value of private enterprises.

It is reported that after the Chinese government tightened the real estate credit policy last year, the market value of large private housing companies such as Evergrande and Country Garden was severely frustrated.At the same time, Chinese officials continue to tighten the supervision of the technology industry, which has also continued to fluctuate the stock price of private technology companies.

Huang Tianlei and senior researcher Nicholas Veron wrote in the report that the data in 2022 showed that the "Enterprise Rectification Movement" opened by China's official 2021 broughtHere comes "heavy but far from fatal blows."

However, statistics have also found that although the proportion of private enterprises has declined for two consecutive years, it is still higher than the level from 2010 to 2019.During the 10 years before the outbreak of the crown disease, private enterprises have continued to rise in the total market value of large Chinese enterprises.