A new round of layoffs of global technology giants are continuing, and "Microsoft Suzhou Large -scale layoffs" have recently fermented online.According to people familiar with the matter, the statement of large -scale layoffs is not true, but there are many product lines in Suzhou. If the adjustment of the relevant product line in the headquarters may involve Microsoft Suzhou, it may be affected.

According to the surging news report, reports from the Internet reported that "Microsoft Suzhou layoffs, compensation for N+12 months of wages, stocks lifting, one -year social security."

According to people familiar with the matter, so far, Microsoft's China has not received any documents or messages from Microsoft's headquarters about the layoffs of Microsoft Suzhou."It is said that Microsoft Suzhou's large -scale layoffs are definitely not true, but there are many product lines in Suzhou. If the adjustment of the relevant product line in the headquarters may involve Microsoft Suzhou, it may be affected. But there is no news at present."

It is reported that the fermentation of online rumors has affected the normal work of employees in Microsoft. Wang Yongdong, a senior vice president of Microsoft and chairman of Microsoft Asia -Pacific R & D Group, published internal emails to employees to clarify.

Some media reports said that Wang Yongdong sent internal email rumors late on Wednesday (February 1), and did not know any plans to close Microsoft Suzhou sites.Wang Yongdong said in an email that he usually does not respond to similar rumors. This exception is that a lot of inquiries have aroused internal and external attention.Wang Yongdong called on employees to return to work and focus on customer and user services."Don't waste valuable time on this underlying rumor, and don't further spread rumors."

Some Microsoft employees have stated on social networks that have received the company's rumors.Although there is no layoffs now, Microsoft Suzhou's "fine -tuning" exists.A Microsoft Suzhou employee said that some freshman cards in 2022 are in the trial period and will not be righteous. Recently, some resources have been withdrawn, "the graphics card has been withdrawn two batches one after another."

The aforementioned person familiar with the matter said that Microsoft's global adjustment has not yet been specific to the Chinese region. As for the next strategy of Microsoft China, it has not yet been clear.

Tianyancha APP shows that Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd. was established in November 1995. The legal representative Hou Yang has a registered capital of about $ 119 million (about S $ 156 million), which is wholly -owned by Microsoft CompanyStock.Foreign investment information shows that the company has invested 5 companies in foreign countries. Except for Jiangsu Microsoft Innovation Center Co., Ltd., Microsoft Asia Pacific Technology Co., Ltd., Hunan Microsoft Innovation Center Co., Ltd., Hainan Microsoft Innovation Center Co., Ltd., Yunnan Dingluo Innovation Technology Co., Ltd.The company is durable.In addition, Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd. has a total of more than 20 branches, of which 14 have been canceled. Nanjing, Suzhou, Chongqing, Wuxi and other places are in the state of existence.

Among them, Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd. Suzhou Branch, established in 2013, is a company mainly engaged in software and information technology services.Provide software products research, design, development and consulting services; development, production, packaging computer software; development and packaging hardware products, including preparation and compilation of technology and operation manuals.The company's 2021 annual report shows that the number of basic endowment insurance for urban employees was 2,583.

Microsoft announced on January 18 that due to poor economic situation and changes in customer demand, it will lay off 10,000 people around the world by the end of March, accounting for about 5%of the total number of employees.The layoffs and related changes will cause the company to lose 1.2 billion US dollars in the fourth quarter of 2022.This fee includes a $ 800 million employee's dismissal fee.

As of June 30 last year, Microsoft has 221,000 employees worldwide, of which 122,000 in the United States and 99,000 overseas.But Microsoft did not disclose which regions of the tens of people's layoffs were mainly concentrated.

The layoffs of American technology companies involve many companies such as Google, Meta, Intel, Amazon.