Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Thursday (February 2) and Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng called on Japan to pay attention to the promise of promises on the Taiwan issue and act carefully in the field of military security.Japan is known as Jian Ge island) to stop the provocation of right -wing forces on the issue, and continues to adhere to market principles and free open spirit, and carry out economic and trade science and technology cooperation with China.

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced that Qin Gang emphasized that China and Japan are neighbors with water, "peaceful coexistence and friendly cooperation is the only correct choice between the two parties.Jointly committed to building Sino -Japanese relations that meet the requirements of the new era. "

Qin Gang said:" I hope that the Japanese party will adhere to the objective and rational cognition of China, and pay attention to the promise of promises and wishes on major issues such as history and Taiwan.Say cautiously, act carefully in the field of military security, and stop the provocation of right -wing forces on the Diaoyu Islands issue. "

He emphasized that the Chinese and Japanese economies are reciprocating each other.Continue to adhere to the market principles and the spirit of free opening up to carry out cooperation with China, technology and technology.The two sides should adhere to strategic autonomy and jointly develop and build Asia.

Bloomberg quoted sources earlier that the United States reached an agreement with the Netherlands and Japan during the talks ended last Friday (27th) to limit the export of advanced chip manufacturing equipment to China.

Don Graves, deputy minister of the United States, confirmed that the United States has reached an agreement with Japan and the Netherlands to limit the advanced chip manufacturing equipment exported to China.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning on Monday at a regular press conference, criticizing the United States in order to maintain its own hegemony, abuse export controls, and coerce some countries to set up small circles to curb China, and will science and technology economy and trade, which will science and technology economy and trade.The problem is politicized and weaponized, and the market rules and international economic and trade order seriously oppose it."This approach is not good for others to disrupt the stability of the global supply chain, and there are no shortage of concerns in the world."

Chinese official media also published an article on Wednesday (February 1), calling on the United StatesChina's obsession, avoid any policy prejudice to China.

Qin Gang also said that China and the international community have unilaterally decided to have serious concerns about the discharge of nuclear pollution water to the ocean. It is hoped that Japan will work in an open, transparent, scientific, and secure way.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan said in the press release that Lin Fang is willing to cooperate with Qin Gang to realize the general direction of building a constructive stability relationship, and emphasize that it will carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in the fields of green economy and medical care, care, health care, and health care.The importance.

Lin Fangzheng also said that it is important to ensure that there is a transparent, predictable and fair business environment, and to ensure that the legal economic activities of Japanese companies are protected, and call on China to take appropriate measures.

Lin Fangzheng also admits that Japan -China relations face many topics that need to be challenged and needed to pay attention to, and listed his topics that he expressed serious concerns, such as the situation around the Diaoyu Islands and the increasingly active military activities near Japan.Southern China Sea, Hong Kong and Xinjiang.He also emphasized the importance of ensuring peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.