China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released national crown disease diagnosis and treatment data.Both severe and mortality have declined.NotNotThe number of cases of infection dropped to 434 cases, a decrease of nearly 90 % from its peak.NotSPAN> The website of China Disease Prevention and Control Center on Wednesday (February 1) released the national crown disease infection, presenting data from December 9, 2022 to January 30, 2023.Not Data show that the provinces report the positive number and positive rate of nucleic acid testing in various provinces to increase the trend of increased first, and the number of positives will be reduced to a minimum of 15,000 on January 23.24,000; Detective positive rate on December 25 (29.2%) reached its peak and decreased, fell to 2.5%on January 30.Not The positive and positive rate of antigen detection of antigens reached its peak (337,000, 21.3%) on December 22, and the fluctuations decreased. On January 30, 2023, the minimum was 2848 and 2.2%, respectively.Not Infected in the hospital in the hospital reached a peak of 1.625 million on January 5, 2023, and then continued to decline, on January 30 to 144,000, a decrease of 91.1%from the peak.Not Among the crown diseases in the country, the peak value was 128,000 on January 5, and then continued to decline. The number of severe patients fell to 14,000 on January 30, a decrease of 89.3%from the peak.Not The number of deaths in the infection of crown disease in the hospital reached 4,273 per day on January 4, and then continued to decrease, and it fell to 434 cases on January 30, a decrease of 89.8%from the peak.Not Monitoring results show that the epidemic of this round of epidemic is mainly BA.5.2.48, BF.7.14 and BA.5.2.49, and no new mutant strains are found.Not As of January 30, 2023, 31 provinces and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have completed a total of 3.490 billion doses of vaccine vaccines.The first doses of the whole population and the entire process of vaccination coverage of 92.9%and 90.6%, respectively.