(Canberra Comprehensive) According to traders and ship tracking data, China will receive at least two batches of coal from Australia in early February.

Chuanbaowu Group is one of the buyers

This is the first time that China has been lifted since 2020's informal ban on Australia ’s transit China Coal in 2020.

According to Reuters and Bloomberg, the latest ship tracking data of the global financial market data provider RefiniTiv and data intelligence company KPLER showed that the bulk cargo ship Magic Eclipse loaded a batchOn February 8th, Zhanjiang City, the steel production center in Guangdong Province, China.A trader familiar with the transaction and ship tracking data said that the top Chinese steel manufacturer Baowu Group is a buyer of these coal.

Baowu Group was one of the four government -supported companies supported by the Chinese National Planning Department permitted by the Chinese National Planning Department in early January.Kpler data also shows that another bulk carrier "BBC Maryland" has been loaded about 1200 tons of power coal from Port in Newcastle, Australia to travel to Changshu, southeast cities in Jiangsu Province, China.This batch of goods is planned to arrive on February 10, but it is not clear who the buyer is.It is reported that other Chinese public institutions and steel manufacturers who are not approved by the Chinese government are still waiting to restore imports.

Coal dealers will pay attention to whether these goods have successfully passed the customs to find signs of the fact that the non -official ban is really over.