(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Sino -US science and Technology war intensified, and Chinese officials emphasized in the collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee that it is necessary to accelerate the pace of self -reliance and self -reliance and solve the problem of foreign "card necks".

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Politburo of the Communist Party of China accelerated the construction of a new development pattern on Tuesday (January 31) for a second collective study.Chinese officials emphasized when hosting their studies that only by accelerating the construction of a new development pattern can we consolidate the foundation of China's economic development and enhance the security and stability of development.

He proposed that it is necessary to do a good job of expanding domestic demand and deepening supply -side structural reforms, forming a higher level of dynamic balance with demand -to -supply supply and supply creation demand to achieve a virtuous circle of national economy.

China's official request to establish and improve the long -term mechanism of expanding the consumption of residents, so that residents have stable income and consumption, no worries about consumption, and consumer environment.

When talking about scientific and technological issues, China's official request should speed up the self -reliance and self -reliance of science and technology to solve the problem of foreign "card necks"; improve the new national system, strengthen national strategic technology forces, and make China a global leader in the world in important science and technology fields.Essence

The Sino -US Science and Technology War has recently been stronger and stronger. Reuters, Bloomberg, etc. have reported earlier that the US government has rumored to have ordered the suspension of the supply of supply to China Telecom Equipment to Huawei, a US company.Cut off Huawei's US supply source.

China's official also proposed that it is necessary to continue to focus on the development of the Chinese economy in the real economy and promote the new type of industrialization; and optimize the productivity layout, promote the orderly transfer of key industries at home and abroad, and support enterprises to participate in the global industrial division of labor and the division of labor and labor of the global industries and the division of labor and work of the global industries andcooperate.