After three years of strict epidemic prevention, China has fully let go of the entire let go of China delegated release. China has fully let go of the general release in China. China has fully let go of the general let go of China's release. China has fully let go of the general let go of China let go of the fully let go of let go of China let go of the fully let go of the let go of China has fully let go of the general release of let go of China let go of the fully let go of the let go of China has let go of the fully let go of the release of China ’The first movie after the epidemic control and control of 6.758 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, the same, about 1.3 billion yuan), the second highest score of the film history has come to an end.Growing 13.16%.It reached 129 million, marking the beginning of the Chinese film market recovery.

The recovery with the box office and the crowds of movie viewers, as well as the controversy of the advantages and disadvantages between several films between the Spring Festival stalls and the capital operation behind the Spring Festival.Earth 2 was pushed up in the opposition by public opinion.

In addition to the high -end of controversy of capital and feelings, traffic and ideas, netizens also seem to think that the box office winning or losing of these two films will directly affect the future development of Chinese films.

The Spring Festival "Wonderful than the play in the play"

According to the professional version of the cat eye, in this year's Spring Festival film, directed by Zhang Yimou, Shen Teng and Yi Xi Qianxi starringMan Jianghong won the championship for 2.608 billion yuan. The wandering earth starring Guo Fan, Wu Jing and Andy Lau won 2.166 billion yuan, and the third place was the animated film with a revenue of 748 million yuan.

Before the release, the momentum is strong, but after the release, the unknown name of polarization and falling into the "black battle" is finally ranked fourth with a score of 493 million yuan.Ranking 59 million yuan ranked fifth, and the lowest exchange of a rating was only 290 million yuan in revenue.

In addition, the main theme film starring Deng Chao and Sun Yan's main theme film in China Ping Pong Counterattack was released on the third day of the New Year (January 24), and it was suspected that only 40.3 million income was only 40.3 million the next day.It was announced that it was released until February 17th, and the "fairy fight" that escaped from the Spring Festival stall has also triggered some discussions.

Chinese table tennis Kokhistan counterattack is where the Jedun counterattack of Chinese table tennis pong is where the JCCLThe third day of the New Year (January 24) was released, and in just the next day, it was suspected that only 40.3 million income was 40.3 million, and it was announced that it was postponed until February 17th.discuss.(Weibo interception)

However, the most controversial controversy in the film is the box office championship and reputation, but the Manjiang Red who reversed.

According to the introduction, Manjiang Hong's positioning is a "suspense+comedy" combined movie. It has Zhang Yimou as the quality guarantee of the director, and the appeal of Yi Xi Qianxi and Shen Teng to all ages.One of the remarkable films.In the early days of the release, the box office and word of mouth were also quite good. On January 23, Douban scored a good score of 7.8, second only to 8.3 points of the wandering earth 2.

With the "opening of the door" of joy, after the localities began to adjust the paddles of several movies according to the performance, Manjiang Hong was exposed from January 24th.The "ghost field" and other situations in the early morning have attracted the first batch of public opinion on capital control and box office fraud.In addition, some netizens picked it out. At the end of last year, Meng Danqing, CEO of the new IMAX China, was Zhang Yimou's son -in -law. It was questioned that Man Jianghong got more IMAX ducts.

The official film official issued a statement on the fifth day of the New Year (January 26), saying that such as "ghost field", "stealing box office", "buying box office" and "capital control" and other questions were "nonsense"Talking", and said that the products of each product are collecting evidence, and will safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the film through lawsuits and other methods.Later, on January 28, the official Weibo of "Movie Manjiang Red" issued a screenshot of the electronic litigation platform to filed a lawsuit against the four big V of the international political lecturer, including Fudan University.After responding to the response to the response on Weibo, several prosecutors once reported that the film party decided not to investigate, but it was later rumored by official blogs, saying that it was in the procedure of the lawsuit.

Regardless of whether the litigation process and the results of the trial, the operation of the netizens who only prosecuted the comments have greatly affected the wind review of Manjiang Hong on the Internet.They all ridiculed, "I dare not say anymore, I am afraid to receive a lawyer's letter."

In addition to the enthusiasm of the netizens, the publicity of the official Weibo of Manjiang Hong was also ridiculed by netizens as "illiterate publicity" because of many low -level errors.Among them, the most serious thing is that during the propaganda on January 26, the "Jingkang shame" (that is, the shame of Jingkang, which led to the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty), was written as "not forgetting Jing" "Kang Shame" ".It was not until the 28th that Weibo was edited and removed.

The official Weibo of Manjianghong's official Weibo also caused a lot of low-level errors, including the "Jingkang shame" error, and was ridiculed by netizens as "illiterate publicity". (Weibo interception)

In simple terms, Manjiang Hong's movies are far from being worthy of "ridiculed" in the content. Nowadays, the reputation reversal is almost all due to the public opinion storm caused by behind -the -scenes production and publicity.No wonder some netizens ironic that this year's Spring Festival file is "the most scratching horse in history (DRAMA), and the play is more exciting than the play."

In addition to the film announcement itself, Man Jianghong has attracted widespread public concern this time.It is also because its box office exceeds the stray Earth 2, which is hailed by many netizens as "the light of Chinese science fiction movies".

It needs to be proposed that the box office of the Wandering Earth 2 is not bad.At about 4 billion yuan, it is enough to achieve the goal of the film return and can shoot the next one. In addition, the official surrounding crowdfunding of the Wandering Earth 2 also achieved the breaking record score of 110 million yuan and more than 1,200 times.Under the enthusiasm of netizens, even due to insufficient production capacity, crowdfunding has ended more than 20 days earlier, reflecting the huge business value of this IP.Allimg/230201/22355h109-3.jpg "/>

The official surrounding crowdfunding of the Wandering Earth 2 also achieved a record of 120 million yuan in 11 days, under the enthusiasm of netizensEven due to the lack of production capacity, crowdfunding has ended more than 20 days earlier, reflecting the huge commercial value of this IP. (Internet)

and the wandering Earth 2 team has not directly participated in the Manchu River Red -related related to Manjiang HongControversy, but many netizens and film reviews have directly compared the two films and pushed the opposites. There are even film reviews that the focus of the confrontation between stray Earth 2 and Manjiang Hong is not the champion of the Spring Festival.The development situation of movies.

Who can represent the future of Chinese movies?

Objectively, the "All -Star" lineup of Man Jianghong, the ultra -short production cycle of less than two months,Compared with the four years of polishing, because of the lack of funding, it still does not seem to be comparable to the stray Earth 2 that needs to star in Liu Dehua to undertake losses.

There are a lot of differences in the production mode, the goal and the audience of the two films. If it is not released in the same period, the two films will not be discussed together.However, because the Chinese film industry lacks science fiction works that can compare with stray earth series, soIt had to go to the platform with the commercial film station.

It can also be seen from the media's interview with the main creation team of the two films that their goals are different.

Chen Yu, the screenwriter of Manjianghong, said in an interview with Shangguan News that after establishing the commercial blockbuster attributes and costs and schedules of the film, in addition to modifying and perfecting the script around the actor, the director Zhang Yimou also gave up a month before the filming.The exploration of the "one mirror to the end" shooting method, and said that his reason is very sober: "The demand of a mirror in the end is too loser to large commercial types."

Chen YuIt is also said that Zhang Yimou is becoming more and more clear what he wants to do. He is constantly doing subtraction. "Even if many are valuable and worthwhile things, he will remove it.The story method ".

The report quoted Zhang Yimou that Zhang Yimou once said that he was going to be a "professional director", thinking that the success of Man Jianghong in the box office may prove that enough professional skills can ensure that making movies can no longer become a full game full of films.Business investment.Its success can follow, making people feel that high box office movies may really be calculated or even repeated.

Different from the mature Manjiang Red model. As a pioneer of Chinese science fiction movies, the production is full of challenges, innovation and errors.Director Guo Fan also said in an interview with the official media of the official media that they even hired a team of intern to record the errors in the shooting process and organized it into a thick "error collection".

And Guo Fan's explanation of this is that he hopes that through these errors, the process of industrialization of science fiction film is initially sorted out, and this process will be perfected through several films to make people who want to make science fiction films in the futureThere is a basis to follow, avoid the mistakes that have been committed."I never think there is any problem with our imagination, but we don't know how to go (shooting science fiction)."

This idea is also in line with the high evaluation given by the People's Daily Online: "If there is a journey of the wandering earth that starts the industrialization of Chinese science fiction movies, then the wandering earth 2 is carried, and there is also a expectation of the industrialization of Chinese science fiction film. "

Wandering Earth Director Guo Fan hopes that through record errors, a process of industrialization of sci-fi film industrialization,After a few films, this process is improved, so that people who want to shoot science fiction in the future can follow the evidence to avoid the mistakes they have made.(Internet)

Whether you want to use a mature business model, making future filming is no longer a challenge with great risks, or the enthusiasm of "dare to be the world" so that the future science fiction filmmakers canThere are traces to follow, both Chinese directors are full of love and expectations for the Chinese film industry, and these two visions are not as opposed to many people think.

The feelings and interests of the film industry

In a mature industry, interests and feelings may be unprecedented and even complemented, but in the Chinese film and television industry, the epidemic creation has just recovered.Now that Chinese movies have just begun to try to go internationally, it is not easy to "grab both hands".

This can also be seen slightly from the stock market performance: Although the box office of the Spring Festival in 2023 achieved good results, China's film and television stocks still dived collectively when the market opened on January 30, the amplitude rangeAlso great in the past.

The two films of the public opinion battle center also seem to be the winner: Man Jianghong's first product Fang Happy Media Hong Kong stocks fell 12.84%, and the investor Light Media also fell 9.24%nearly the limit.2 The decline in Chinese films in the main products and distribution companies also exceeded 5 %.

Good results, but China's film and television stocks still dived collectively when the market opened on January 30, and the range was great.The picture shows some film and television stocks on January 30.(Internet)

Daily Economic News quotes Liao Xuhua, an illusion senior analyst, said that although the box office of the Spring Festival is already a good level, the market expectations before the holiday are generally higher, most of which are more than 8 billion yuan.So it is expected to fall naturally after falling.

He also proposed that the animated film bears have a "fixed box office" movie with a specific audience, which can be ranked third in the schedule, indicating that the overall market fault is very serious, and the competitiveness of other films is too weak.In addition, deep sea and Chinese table tennis are not suitable for the Spring Festival stalls, but they must also "make fun", which reflects the film industry's expectations for recovery.

Liao Xuhua bluntly stated: "In the final analysis, our expectations may be too high, and industry recovery may not be as fast and so strong."

Although the epidemic prevention policyAfter the opening, stimulating the market and consumption recovery rapidly, but only this "retaliatory consumption" can not truly save the Chinese film industry.Similarly, if you want to make a good domestic film and change the industry's fatigue fundamentally, it is not only relying on the operation of capital, the ideal of the director, or the successful box office of one or two movies.