(Bonn News) The German Embassy in China reviewed a large number of Chinese Internet people who were scolded and ridiculed by the consequences of the Nazi molecules in Germany 90 years ago.Delete hatred and remarks to defend the Holocaust, and ask Chinese netizens: Can these unfriendly comments be used to comment on the Chinese government?

According to the Voice of Germany Chinese website, the German Embassy in China on Monday (January 30) posted on Weibo to review the catastrophe brought by the Nazi rule to Germany and the world."Germany chose an idiot as a foreign minister" and "now Germany supports Ukraine Nazis", and some people call it "the Germans have Nazi genes, and now Hitler is back again."

The embassy asked if it can be commenting on the Chinese and Chinese governments with similar comments

The Embassy posted again on Tuesday (January 31) that he would delete unwavering remarks, and explained: "We are free to speak, everyone can express, write or express their own opinions in Germany,There is no review system. We usually keep comments under Weibo -even less friendly comments. "

In the text, Chinese netizens: "Everyone can think about it, can you also use these unfriendly comments about Germany to comment on the Chinese and Chinese governments?"

Posts continue to emphasize: Even in Germany, freedom of speech is bounded.Will be deleted. "

This post has liked more than 100,000 people, 8,000 comments, and nearly 9,000 reposts.

Some Chinese netizens agreed with the embassy's statement. Some netizens said: "Many people on Weibo do not even dare to put on our own affairs."Meng", but some netizens accused Germany's "dual standards" and "do you support Hong Kong people to fight for so -called freedom in the way of violence, do you think of the boundary?"