Wuhan University issued a statement on Tuesday (January 31) that it was recently found that someone as a "ox" was found in the work.The vehicle is included in the blacklist to cancel the authorization or prohibit the appointment from entering the school, and to the relevant car owner's information notice to strengthen the education. On the other hand, the public security organs are required to conduct a blow processing.

According to the WeChat public account "Ping An Jia" in Wuhan University, the Ministry of Health of Wuhan University issued a statement on strictly prohibiting foreign personnel entering the school that according to the requirements of campus safety management work, outside school personnel shall not enterschool.The "ox" related behavior is suspected of illegal, and the school will cooperate with the public security organs to severely crack down on and strengthen the review of school gate management and entry.Here I remind friends of society to be vigilant to prevent being deceived.

Wuhan University is strictly forbidden to enter the school by faculty and employees and residents in the school to bring unrelated personnel outside the school. Once verified, the vehicle is authorized throughout the year, and the parties or owners are seriously handled in accordance with relevant regulations.

The Ministry of Defense of Wuhan University said that it is hoped that the majority of teachers and students will support and supervise them together, and they will be actively feedback to the security departments in violation of the rules.

Wuhan University issued a notice on January 17 to restore the alumni to exempt the appointment to enter and exit campus permissions in combination with the adjustment of the epidemic prevention and control policy and campus reality.The alumni shows the valid documents of the Electronic Alumni Card of Wuhan University or the identity of the alumni.All schools can enter the school.In order to ensure the normal study and work order in the school, alumni vehicles need to be reserved to enter the school.