The official website of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Finance announced the implementation of the budget execution of the 2022 and the 2023 budget of Guizhou Province.Mechanisms gradually promote local development into a benign track.

According to the surging news report, the report pointed out that it is necessary to resolve risks more securely and firmly keep the systemic risk bottom line.Systems plan to prevent and resolve the system and mechanism of debt risk.By striving for central support, interest rate cuts for financial institutions, and revitalizing resource assets, it has promoted all localities to incorporate government debt and hidden debt interest into the budget, laid the foundationIn five years, the establishment and improvement of systems to solve and prevent and resolve government debt risk institutions and mechanisms, and gradually promote local development into a benign track.

The report also proposes to classify and prevent risks.Strengthen legal government debt management, and strictly implement the principal and interest repayment mechanism of government bonds.Strive for high -risk system cities and counties to reduce policy support such as debt risk pilots, and to issue government bonds to replace hidden debt, optimize local debt structures, and reduce debt costs.Coordinate financial institutions to support debt restructuring and interest rate cuts, and actively and orderly release debt risks.Corporate responsibility, and promote the evolutionary debt in accordance with laws and regulations.

Resolutely curb the new hidden debt of violations, strictly carry out the financial tolerance assessment before the government investment project is established. It is strictly forbidden for state -owned enterprises and institutions to make debts in disguise, and resolutely stop illegal and illegal bonds.Strengthen the governance of the financing platform company, and classify the market -oriented transformation and development of the platform company.Reinforcement system constraints.Strengthen the financial, audit, and disciplinary inspection and supervision, establish and improve the special supervision and collaboration mechanism of debt risk prevention, and resolve the problem of new hidden debt, unrealized debt, and misappropriation of special bond funds, and seriously account for accountability.At the same time, the risk prevention and resolution work in the fields of food, energy, finance, finance, and production safety.

In addition, according to the report, the general public budget revenue of Guizhou province last year was 188.636 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about 36.7 billion yuan).4.2%, an increase of 6.8%in the same diameter.In the past five years, the general public budget revenue of the province in Guizhou has increased from 172.685 billion yuan in 2018 to 188.636 billion yuan in 2022, an average annual increase of 3.2%, with a cumulative five -year cumulative 1.26 times in the last five years.