Dalian Wanda Group is reported to discuss overseas loan financing matters to repay USD 350 million (about 457 million yuan) USD bonds next month.

According to Bloomberg, an anonymous insider who required anonymous due to the authorization of public speech said that Wanda Group discussed financing matters with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and supported Wanda's domestic assets.

People familiar with the matter also said that Wanda Management told some investors in mid -January that the company plans to raise about $ 350 million through the loan, saying that the relevant details may still change.

Wanda and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China will not comment for the time being.

Last month, Wanda Real Estate, a subsidiary of Wanda Group, issued 400 million US dollars bonds, with a yield of 12.375%, which is much higher than other US dollar bonds under Wanda.

Bloomberg reports that more and more signs show that Chinese private enterprises have previously blocked financing channels.Fosun International, Fosun International, held a signing ceremony of $ 1.8 billion in loans of US $ 1.8 billion last month, of which Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was held.In addition, State -owned Bank of ICBC and other state -owned banks have stated that they will provide real estate developers with a credit limit of at least $ 190 billion.