China's personal housing loan repayment behavior has recently increased significantly recently, gradually becoming "early repayment tide".The China Official Media Economic Daily stated that it is not advisable to repay the loan in advance.With the recovery of China's macroeconomic restoration, the probability of rising capital markets is high, and the loan interest rate may have a downlink, and the loan needs to be repaid in advance.

The article answers the content involved in the specific repayment in advance, the reasons behind the "early repayment tide", and the impact.

The article pointed out that the recent "early repayment tide" of housing loans is mainly due to the borrower.In recent years, due to multiple impacts such as economic downturn and repeated epidemic, some residents have increased their income unstable, and it is unclear about future expectations.Some borrowers try to reduce the pressure on loan repayment through all or partially repayment and reduce the burden on housing consumption.

At the same time, the Chinese financial market has increased since last year, the prices of stocks, funds, etc. have settled sharply, and the consistent stable bank wealth management products have "broken".In this case, the income of ordinary residents has declined significantly, and risk preferences tend to be conservative. Some funds used to invest in early repayment.The results of the urban reserve questionnaire survey in the fourth quarter of 2022 also showed that 61.8 % of the residents tended to "savings", an increase of 3.7 percentage points over the previous quarter; 15.5 % of the residents tended to "more investment" were compared to the previous quarter.Reduce 3.7 percentage points.

In addition, the interest rate of some stock loans is also one of the reasons for the borrower to repay in advance.Some housing loan interest rates issued since 2020 are above 6 %. Although the loan market quotation interest rate (LPR) in 2022 has decreased three times, the interest rate of some stock loans is still significantly higher than the current average mortgage interest rate of about 4.3 %.

The influence on the early repayment of the piles, the article said that due to the significant decline in the application volume of new housing loans, the borrower's early repayment of housing loans increased in advance, and a few banks adopted the form of receivables and compensation.Repayment costs; most banks are trying to reduce or delay the pressure of early repayment in advance by making appointments in advance, long time, etc.

From the legal point of view, early repayment is a change in loan period or loan amount agreed on the original loan contract. It is indeed necessary to negotiate with the bank.However, in recent years, the state and financial management departments have repeatedly demanded banks to increase support for real economic support, adopting practical measures to relieve difficulties for enterprises and individuals, reduce the cost of comprehensive financing of real economy and the burden of personal consumer credit.Commercial banks should be based on long -term, improve services, and use online and offline combinations to facilitate customers to repay loans in advance and better improve customer experience.Some banks that have collected "compensation" and "liquidated damages" in advance to repay the loan can further change their concepts and show that commercial banks should be responsible and responsible to better serve the society.

As for whether individuals should repay in advance, the article pointed out that for individuals, judging whether to repay personal loans in advance, the most direct way is to depend on whether the investment income can cover the loan interest.If the investment yield is higher than the loan interest rate, you can consider using the funds more for investment; otherwise, some or all of the loan can be considered.Of course, it is necessary to leave enough funds for daily expenditures of life and future care, medical care, etc.It is not advisable to repay the loan in advance.

From the perspective of repayment methods, generally speaking, equivalent principal repayment is repaid in the early stage and less interest. Compared with the repayment in advance, it will be more cost -effective; equivalent principal and interest.The repayment method has been repaid in the early stage of repayment and less principal. If the repayment is over half, you can actually not consider the repayment in advance.In addition, if it is a provident fund loan, because the interest rate is significantly lower than the interest rate of general loans in the market, you can not consider the repayment in advance.

The article finally emphasized that in 2023, with the recovery of China's macroeconomic restoration, the probability of rising the capital market is greater, and the loan interest rate may have a downward possibility. Careful consideration to repay the loan in advance.