The first negative growth in the 60 years of population in China, Sichuan, a large province of Population, recently released new regulations. Not only does the cancellation of the restrictions that must be married, but also the number of childbirth will no longer be limited."" ".

Scholars of interviewees believe that the Chinese population decreased by 850,000 last year, showing that China will follow the aging of Japanese society, and any official policy cannot reverse the future decline of population.Intervention and give them to the public freely.

The Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Committee has recently issued the management measures for maternity registration services to revise and improve the measures issued in March 2019. The main amendments include cancellation of restrictions on whether the registration object is married."Husband and wife" became "citizen of all children".

In accordance with the current Chinese regulations, the maternity registration procedures for children born in the unmarried person are complicated. They must submit "medical certificates of birth" to the police station, the household registration book of father or mother and residents, and non -marriage instructions.In principle, non -marriage children register with their mother, and if they settle in with their father, they must also submit parent -child relationship certificates.

Sichuan's new ways have also canceled the number of childbirth, indicating that "the focus of fertility registration is transferred to fertility willingness and fertility results."Official data shows that Sichuan is the fifth largest province in China. The population over 60 years old ranks seventh in the country, accounting for more than 20 % of the province's population.

The new regulations that only implemented this month have caused heated discussions on the Chinese network. Some netizens briefly summarized the Sichuan New Deal as "no matter whether you are married or not, now if you want to give birth, you will give birth to a few."

In August last year, the Anhui Provincial Health and Health Commission also issued an implementation opinion on improving the improvement of the maternity registration system (draft for comments), which also mentioned that fertility registration is no longer restricted by marriage registration.Yang Fan, the director of the Department of Population Science, Renmin University of China, was confirmed at the time that the prerequisite for the prerequisite for "whether marrying" was the prerequisite for maternity registration was to fully reflect the tolerance, opportunities, and benefit of benefits of fertility policies.

But some netizens questioned the new policy and believed that the situation of "unmarried children" and "illegitimate child" may increase greatly.

The staff of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Commission on Monday (January 30) insisted that the new rules were not encouraged to encourage unmarried children, but to ensure the rights and interests of the "unmarried first pregnancy".

China's maternity registration system is related to whether women can obtain benefits such as medical services, maternity leave, and maternity allowances.Maternity registration is also a prerequisite for household registration and children's future enrollment.The new regulations in Sichuan mean that the welfare guarantee related to fertility is no longer a married female patent.

Scholars: Cancellation of marriage registration reflects social progress

Liang Zhongtang, a Chinese population scholar, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the cancellation of the marriage registration policy of marriage is a manifestation of social progress, which means that people have gradually accepted unmarried fertility.

Tan Gangqiang, director of the Chongqing Concord Psychological Consulting Office, interviewed that the Sichuan New Deal aims to save the crisis of the decline in population, but the cancellation of the marriage registration of marriage seems a bit "hasty and hasty", which may be misleading to the society to pass misleading to the societySignals, in addition to impacting families and traditional Chinese ethics, may also derive more non -socialized fertility paths.

On the other hand, some netizens have pointed out that unmarried fertility is a minority after all. The role of relief of this limit on improving fertility is like a salary.

Jia Yun (38 years old) from unmarried person from Mianyang, Sichuan said that the Sichuan New Deal may not necessarily arouse the willingness of the people to give birth;What will consider is the economic capabilities, and there are problems such as time.

Liang Zhongtang, who was former member of the National Family Planning Commission of China, pointed out that the growth trend of population growth or negative growth depends on the proportion of fertility population.effect".

Liang Zhongtang also suggested that the government is better not to interfere with the people's fertility plans with policy intervention, and the result of intervention will only be worse.