The official website of 12 academic institutions attacked by Chinese hackers during the Lunar New Year, which has now returned to normal use.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, Korean information technology departments and industry insiders news on Wednesday (February 1), the official website of the Korean Construction Policy Research Institute has returned to normal on January 30, and then the official website of other 11 other institutions also alsoIt has resumed normal use, and it has been attacked for a week.

The Korean intelligence department is checking the cyber security loopholes to prevent it from being attacked in the future.

The Chinese hacker organization "Xiaoqi Camp" attacked 12 academic institutions including the Korean Construction Policy Research Institute, the Mandarin Society, and the South Korean Archaeological Society during the Lunar New Year, and tampered with the webpage.They also disclosed the so -called database documents stolen from the official website of these institutions through instant encrypted communication software "Telegram" and "Dark Web".

Some Chinese hackers advocate on the communication software Telegram that the Internet attack is targeted at the suspension of Chinese citizens' short -term visas to South Korea.However, South Korea officials cannot determine whether they are the same group of hackers who attack on the Internet.

The South Korean government has suspended the issuance of Chinese citizens' short -term visas to South Korea from January 2 to January 31st, and then extended to February 28.South Korean Prime Minister Han Dexu said in Seoul on January 31 that if the Chinese crown disease is controllable, it will consider the restriction of the short -term visa for Chinese citizens to South Korea by the end of February.