The medical treatment group of the China State Council's joint defense and control mechanism issued a notice, and proposed to further implement the "four" traditional Chinese and Western medicine combined medical models with "four Youyou" of "four You" with "four Youyou" to improve comprehensive hospitals and specialistsHospital's Chinese medicine service capabilities.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, the China State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism medical treatment group issued a notice on further strengthening the new coronary virus infection in the comprehensive hospital and specialist hospital., Specialist Hospital shall establish and improve the work mechanism for traditional Chinese and western medicine cooperation in the treatment of new coronary virus infectious medical treatment. TCM doctors and western medicine doctors jointly form an hospital -level expert group to jointly carry out joint inspection houses, multidisciplinary consultations, and case discussions.Traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment measures for severe patients.

In medical treatment in patients with severe and critical illnesses, according to the new coronary virus infection diagnosis and treatment plan (trial tenth edition) new coronary virus infection, severe case diagnosis and treatment plan (trial fourth edition)(Including Chinese medicine injection), Chinese medicine slices and Chinese medicine technology.

The notice also said that comprehensive hospitals and specialized hospitals should strengthen the procurement and reserves of Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine tablets related to Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine, especially for the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine (including Chinese medicine (including traditional Chinese medicine for Chinese medicineInjecting), we must focus on reserve and ensure supply.

The notification requirements are that all provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) health, health and Chinese medicine authorities will further enhance the equipment and system of Chinese medicine personnel in comprehensive hospitals and specialized hospitals, strengthen the construction of the clinical department of Chinese medicine, and improve performance assessment and other policies and systems.And to carry out training to improve the level of traditional Chinese medicine technical technology participating in the treatment of medical staff.