The China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News published an article on Wednesday (February 1), stating that food security relations are the "big of the country".Special rectification of corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales must not only take out the "current reform" measures, but also form a "long -standing" mechanism.

The article said that the State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection publicly notified the typical cases of violations of discipline and law in the field of grain purchase and sales on January 29.It was seriously investigated and titled and exposed, and continued to release a strong signal of systematic corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales.

The article pointed out that food purchase and sales are the key links to ensure food safety.At present, problems in the field of grain purchase and sales are lacking in supervision, collusion, and poor law enforcement in the field of grain purchase and sales. "Eating food by grain" is easy to occur. It still needs to be sober and firm, and unswervingly advance the special rectification work.

State -owned grain enterprises assume important duties to acquire, store, and operate national food. Some "grain consumers" wait for the opportunity to gain profit, seriously erode the interests of the masses, cause national losses, and affect food security.

The article sorted out the cases of investigation and punishment in various places, pointing out that the problem of "grain food" in some state -owned grain companies can be described as variety, including Chen Dingxin and charging with good times to create "round food"; false acquisitions are acquired;Filmment of loss, false rotation, and doping of fakes; illegal bidding and bidding in storage and other projects, illegal treatment leads to the loss of state -owned assets.

It was also found in the special rectification that the implementation of the supervisory department's implementation responsibilities was not in place. The supervision and restriction mechanism had loopholes, which was an important reason for the incidence of grain -related corruption and the loss of state -owned assets.

For some grass -roots grain depots, the power of the "gatekeeper" is too concentrated, and the grass -roots grain regulatory agencies and personnel are weak, the supervision ability and experience are insufficient.There are problems with the operating mechanism, and some of the persons in charge of the enterprise are also likely to adhere to their own theft and become the "mouse" of granary.

The article said that these cases have repeatedly stated that the current corruption problem in the field of food purchase and sales has not yet seen the bottom, and the incremental increase is still occurring, especially the lack of regulation, lack of internal and external collusion, and poor law enforcement. "" "" ""Eating food to eat food" is easy to cause, and the system of corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales is to be treated and achieved a long way to achieve cure.

Focusing on the focus of corruption and difficulty in the field of grain purchase and sales, digging out thorough investigation of clues, and strictly re -investigating a group of corruption cases in the field of grain purchase and sales, forming a strong deterrent of "dare not rot".

The article also said that the report was the second concentration of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to expose the typical issues of disciplinary violations in the field of grain purchases and sales, showing that the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs did not "universal mice" and "worms" of the "master" and "worms" of the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs.Speaking, a firm attitude to find out in the end.

Not only Xu Baoyi. In recent years, the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has also investigated and dealt with Xu Ming, a member of the party group and deputy director of the former State Food Bureau, and a former member of the National Development and Reform Commission, the former director of the State Food and Material Reserve BureauZhang Nufeng and many other central management cadres of food systems, and disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at all levels have increased their efforts to handle cases in terms of corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales, maintaining a high -pressure situation in the field of grain purchase and sales.

Finding all searches and checking the problem is the key to ensuring the effectiveness of special rectification.All localities adhere to comprehensive and multi -angle viewing, adopt special inspections, inspecting the main responsibility department to inspect and self -correction, and supervise and inspect the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs to fully check the problems in the field of grain purchase and sales.

Special rectification is a systematic engineering that involves all aspects.The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs comprehensively use the preparation and direct investigation and other methods to give full play to the advantages of the joint case handling of the "room and land". With the help of big data and other means, the clues of the problem are dug to ensure that the investigation and inspection should be checked.

The article also pointed out that the leading cadres of the food system, especially the "first -hander", are familiar with the business and have been cultivating in the grain system for many years. It is often a high -incidence group of corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales.

Taking the typical cases of "first -handers" as a traction, focusing on key people's key matters, and resolutely investigating and punishing "food and food such as food and food" such as rights and money transactions.Strive.

The article emphasizes that the positive wind and discipline anti -corruption and deepening reforms, improve the system, promote governance, and promote development, and find loopholes in combination with cases to promote the formation of long -term effects of institutional control, grain, and people.mechanism.

Special rectification of corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales, we must not only take out the measures of "current reforms", but also form a "long -standing" mechanism.Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels have planned and promoted the promotion of reforms with cases, promoting treatment by cases, accelerating the construction of smart grain depots, deepening the reform of the food reserves and purchasing and sales systems, and promoting the system governance of corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales.Essence

The Communist Party of China Discipline Inspection Commission reported on January 29 that Xu Baoyi, who had fallen off in January last year, greeted the staff of the central grain in charge of the bidding agent and helped a bidding company enter the list of central grain storage bidding agencies.He was also accused of using the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others in terms of food flow storage operations and the determination of storage and storage points, and received more than 1,300 million yuan (about S $ 2.53 million) for bribes.This is also a typical case of typical illegal cases in the field of grain purchase and sales after more than a year.