Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang said that we must further play a role in financial support for financial support, continue to improve the levelInterval, promote high -quality development.Not Li Keqiang went to the People's Bank of China and the Foreign Exchange Administration on Monday (January 30) to host a symposium.NotWhen communicating with the staff of the Central Foreign Exchange Business Center, a good operating income of foreign exchange reserves is affirmed.NotIt is said that opening up to the outside world is the basic national policy. The Chinese economy is deeply integrated into the world. Foreign exchange reserves reflect the confidence in carrying out economic and trade cooperation with China internationally.Faced with multiple rounds of external impact, Chinese foreign exchange reserves remained above 3 trillion US dollars (about S $ 3.94 trillion). The RMB exchange rate was basically stable and relatively stable in major international currencies.Powerful support.NotIn terms of financial services, he said that finance is the core of the modern economy, and financial reform and development have strongly supported economic development.From the perspective of the past ten years, the average annual economy has increased by 6.2%, from 53 trillion yuan to 121 trillion yuan, and the total assets of financial institutions have also increased significantly.Good economy will be good, and financial stability can be stable.NotIt is also said that in recent years, China has faced multiple serious impacts such as the epidemic, but it has maintained its continuous economic growth.China has adhered to the implementation of a stable monetary policy, and the use of total amount and structural tools due to the situation has played an important role in maintaining macroeconomic stability and serving the development of the real economy.Efforts will be made to alleviate the financing problems of small, medium and micro enterprises, and individual industrial and commercial households, and keeping employment and protecting people's livelihood in order to protect market entities.In the past five years, the average annual increase in the balance of inclusive micro loans has increased by 24%. Last year, the average interest rate of corporate loans was the lowest since the reform and opening up.Insisting not to engage in "big water" and not excessive currency, it provides basic conditions for domestic stable prices in the context of global inflation. Last year, residents' consumer prices rose only by 2%.NotIt is affirmed that the use of market -oriented rule of law to effectively prevent the risk of abnormal fluctuations in the financial market, and timely and steadily dispose of the risks of small and medium -sized financial institutions, and keep the bottom line that does not occur without systemic risks.NotIt is also reminded that to see the existing problems soberly, maintaining financial stability and preventing risks are still a long and arduous task.NotIt is said that the financial system should continue to improve the level of serving the real economy. This is related to market expectations, and stable expectations are the "hard currency" of the market economy.It is necessary to thoroughly implement the policy and continuous measures of the stability of the economy, increase the support of financial expansion of domestic demand, optimize the structure, improve the financing environment of the private economy and small and medium -sized enterprises, prevent and resolve financial risks, and maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level.