China's January 2023 Manufacturing Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) announced on Wednesday (February 1) shows that as China survives the peakInteresting, employment, and supply chain edges improved, and PMI atrophy slowed down. announced in January 2023 in China ’s manufacturing PMI recorded 49.2, which is higher than 0.2 percentage points last month, showing that the manufacturing prosperity has improved, but it is still in the contraction range for the sixth consecutive month for the sixth consecutive month.It has not reached the expected level of 49.5 surveys.

This trend is consistent with the PMI of the National Bureau of Statistics of China.The PMI of the Manufacturing Industry in January 2023 released by the National Bureau of Statistics recorded 50.1, which was raised 3.1 percentage points, which was the same as September 2022, and the highest since the second half of 2022.The number of purchasing manager index is higher than 50 represents, and less than 50 represents shrinking.

Although the rising trend of the data of the two is the same, the PMI data released by is still in the shrinking range.Reuters reports that China's official data mainly focuses on large enterprises and state -owned enterprises, and the manufacturing activities of these enterprises have returned to growth.The focus of the Caixin survey is small enterprises and coastal areas, including some export companies.

从分项指数看,财新的两个制造业PMI大致相同:两个生产指数、新出口订单指数、就业指数、供应商配送时间指数均在收缩区间回升,显示生产, Foreign demand, employment, logistics and other marginal improvements are still weak; the two new order indexes have risen, of which the new order index of the Statistics Bureau's manufacturing industry has risen to the expansion range for the first time since the second half of 2022.Yu Rongku Line; the purchase price index and production and operation expectation index of the two raw materials are rising in the expansion range.

Some companies say that employees' resignation and absence of employees caused by the outbreak of crown disease have affected the number of employees, and insufficient manpower has led to a rearring backlog of work.Although some companies mentioned that the lifting measures for epidemic control can help alleviate the pressure of the supply chain, but in the case of the shortage of workers, logistics in some regions have not fully recovered.