
Jingqiang Xinyun

Sanlitun Bar Street, which has a history of nearly 28 years, is going to shut down. At the meeting, this news was reported. The colleagues who had been resident in Beijing were surprised, and I felt that "the youthful memories are one less."

Beijing Sanlitun has a lot of labels, fashion, trend, and nightlife. Many people also think of Bar Street when they say that Sanlitun will think of Bar Street.It is only separated from Beijing's fashion landmark Taikoory, which carries the memory of many Beijingers and North Drifting, as well as the memories of foreigners living in Beijing.

In the past two days, news about the entry of Sanlitun Bar Street spread in the circle of friends.The Sanlitun Street Office, which is responsible for managing Bar Street, actually issued a "notification of housing" to the industry on December 25 last year, asking them to move away before January 31 this year.

After the news of Bar Street shutdown was reported by the Chinese media these two days, many talents knew about this.

As for the reason for shutdown, the media quoted the Sanlitun Street Office explained that third -party institutions comprehensively identified the safety of the house street houses.Capital and earthquake resistance ".

I rarely patronize the bar. In the three years in Beijing, I met the epidemic. The impression of Sanlitun Bar Street looks like a depression.

Remember the first year of the crown disease, China took the city in Wuhan in the severe epidemic area, and soon inhibited the spread of virus.In the spring of that year, it quickly resumed work and re -production, re -commercial and resumption of business.Beijing resumed the food from April 1st, but in an interview with Sanlitun, it was found that all bars on the bar on the bar are still locked, and the glass windows on the street are full of dust.

In the past two years, Bar Street also opened the door to do business, but from time to time, he was forced to stop business because of cooperation with epidemic prevention.

The haze of the epidemic is shrouded, and the venues with dense flow are the first to be the brunt. People are not interested in spending money and entertainment.

Checking the information on the Internet. Sanlitun was originally a countryside from Sanli, Beijing City, so he was named "Sanlitun".In the early 1960s, Beijing opened the second embassy area, and some diplomatic apartments were successively completed. In the mid -1980s, China's first joint venture hotel, Zhaolong Hotel, opened in Sanlitun.

The Zhaolong Hotel was donated by Hong Kong businessman Bao Yugang. According to records, the conditions proposed by Bao Yugang at the time were that the hotel was named after his father Bao Zhaolong, but this in the 1980s was considered "the capitalist"Tree monument", no one dares to agree.

In the end, this incident was still photographed by the then leader Deng Xiaoping.Deng Xiaoping not only wrote the name of the restaurant, but also participated in the ribbon.When the Chinese media reported this history, it was described as the "ideological liberation" in the early days of reform and opening up.

Sanlitun gradually became lively, and the first bar in Beijing was opened on Sanlitun South Street. By 1995, the first bar in Sanlitun North Street was opened., To eat Western food, Sanlitun also became an open symbol in the eyes of many people.

The hottest time of Bar Street is about 10 years from the late 1990s to the new century, there are many legends there.It is said that the writer Wang Shuo once opened the "king" in Sanlitun. At that time, half of the literary circle in Beijing was drinking and chatting.The workers' stadium near Sanlitun was the home of the Beijing Guoan Football Club. Whenever there are events, bars and street fans gathered, and they are also selling girls in the world.

After seeing the news of the shutdown of the bar street, I walked there on Tuesday (January 31) in the evening. Except for a bar, there were scattered guests in it, and the rest were closed and closed.

The mark left by the three -year epidemic can be seen everywhere.The door of the bar is full of various epidemic prevention notices, a warm reminder of "Please wear a mask", and there is a reminder of "today's current limit"."Sterilizer" notice.

There are a lot of people who came to take pictures on the street.A man said that the Bar Street was traffic jam from the previous one to night. Two steps would meet the passengers. "After all, the epidemic has passed.The woman lamented, "Beijing lost a period of history."There is also a rushing neighborhood a whispering: "It has always been illegal buildings ... Whakin, what are you nostalgic?"

The Bar Street in Sanlitun is crowded, noisy before the epidemic, and even a little messy with fish and dragons. This does not meet everyone's imagination of a metropolis, but there are also many people's free opening and restraint in the glory of the bar street.Don't forget.

Some Chinese media people recalled on Weibo that during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, I went to Bar Street to interview people from various countries to drink and watch the competition.China's opening up and sincerity are also amazing and nostalgic. "

What will it look like in the future of Bar Street. The media quoted the relevant person in charge that the bar street brand will continue to be retained, and at the same time, more new formats such as light food and coffee are introduced to provide more consumer services and meet more consumer needs.

The reorganized Sanlitun Bar Street will be more regular and orderly, and may also open a new chapter. Many years in many years may become people's new memories.But in the face of the bar street that enters the history, some people will always be reluctant to have this tag that once represents openness, for fear that such marks will become less and less.