The State Council of China requires promoting consumption to accelerate the restoration of consumption and maintain foreign trade and foreign investment, and enhance its stirring force on the economy.

According to the China News Agency, Prime Minister Li Keqiang of the State Council of China hosted a executive meeting of the State Council on Saturday (January 28).

The meeting said that the current economic recovery and recovery trend.It is necessary to implement the deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, and strive to stabilize growth, stabilize employment, stabilize prices, and maintain economic operation in a reasonable range.In -depth implementation of a policy and continuation measures for the stability of the economy, promote the construction of major projects supported by fiscal and financial instruments, and the renewal and transformation of equipment to form more physical workloads, and implement a small -scale taxpayer value -added tax reduction, inclusive small and microLoans and other policies.Adhere to the "two unshakables", protect the rights and interests of private enterprises in accordance with the law, and continue to build a market -oriented international business environment.Support the sustainable and healthy development of the platform economy.Promote the rapid resumption of work after the corporate holiday, and do a good job in employment services for migrant workers.Work together to consolidate and expand the rise of economic operations.

The meeting proposed that in response to the outstanding contradictions of insufficient demand, the efforts to promote consumption to accelerate the restoration of consumption have become the main force of economic streaming, and unswervingly expand openness to the outside world, and promote foreign trade and foreign capital to maintain stability and improve quality.

Specifically, the meeting proposed that one is to expand consumption.Promote the full implementation of large consumption policies such as helping living and service companies and individual industrial and commercial households, and promoting automobile consumption policies such as automobiles.Organize rich and diverse consumer activities to promote accelerated recovery of contact consumption.Reasonably increase consumer credit.Due to the policy boxes of the city, support rigidity and improvement of housing needs, and do a good job of paying over the preservation.

The second is to adhere to the basic national policy of opening up, continue to launch actual measures, and strive to stabilize foreign trade.Promote the recovery of domestic offline exhibitions and support enterprises to participate in exhibitions.Implement policies such as export tax refund, credit, credit insurance, and maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable balance.Support enterprises to make good use of regional comprehensive economic partnership agreements to expand the market.Promote the further development of cross -border e -commerce and overseas warehouses.Improve the competitiveness of foreign trade.Reasonable expansion of imports.

Third is to actively attract foreign capital.Promote the new version to encourage foreign investment industry directory to accelerate landing.Support local investment promotion.Bettering the role of platforms such as the Pilot Free Trade Zone.Implement measures for convenience personnel.Continue to strengthen the services of foreign -funded enterprises and promote major projects to accelerate landing.