The United States and the Netherlands and Japan restrict China export some exports to ChinaAfter the advanced chip manufacturing machine reached an agreement, EU officials said that the European Union fully agreed to deprive China's strategy to obtain the most advanced chip (also known as chip), "must not allow China to obtain the most advanced technology."

Bloomberg Saturday (January 28) quoted people familiar with the matter that during the negotiations ended on Friday, the United States had reached an agreement with the Netherlands and Japan to restrict some advanced chip manufacturing machines exporting to China.The U.S. -Dutch agreement aims to weaken China's ambition to establish its own chip ability. It expands the export control measures adopted by the United States in October last year to the Netherlands and Japan, including the Dutch light carved giant Asumi.

For the details of the agreement reached by the three parties, the White House refused to comment, and Washington wanted to give Japan and the Netherlands space to decide how to convey these restrictions.Since the Dutch and Japan still have to finalize their final legal arrangements, the actual implementation plan may take months.However, this agreement marks the important milestone of the United States to cooperate with the allies to block China's development semiconductor.

According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post, Thierry Breton, the internal market of the European Executive Committee, said on Friday at the event of the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS).In the strategy of China's most advanced chip, we cannot allow China to gain the most advanced technology. "

He said," In ensuring our common technical security, you will always find that Europe stands on your side."The EU and the United States have very strong consistency in restricting China's technologies such as micro -chip, quantum computing and artificial intelligence.

Bretton continued that Europe and the United States also cooperated with 5G and network security to remove high -risk suppliers and pay close attention to China's continuous investment in key European semiconductor infrastructure.He also urged Western countries to coordinate more in -depth rare earth to reduce dependence on Asia.

The European Union will pass the EU version of the chip bill this year, hoping to double the European chip manufacturing capabilities in the world to double to about 20%to reduce dependence on Asian chips.