Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission, signed an order to issue the management regulations of the soldiers of the soldiers and shall be implemented from January 1, 2023.This is an important regulatory document for the Chinese army's first comprehensive system to regulate the management of soldiers.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, it is guided by Xi Jinping's thoughts of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, implementing Xi Jinping's strong military thoughts, implementing the overall requirements of the reform of military policy and system, focusing on the main business of war and fightingInstitutional system, unified inheritance of history and innovation development, combine characteristics, and absorption and reference, comprehensively build a soldier management system with rich connotation, distinctive characteristics, clear guidance, and achievement., A sense of honor, create a good situation to cherish honor, advocate heroes, and strive to be pioneers.

The regulations are important regulatory documents for the first comprehensive system of the Chinese army to comprehensively systematically regulate the management of soldiers.Adhere to the fundamental follow, in -depth implementation of Xi Jinping's series of important instructions for strengthening the construction of the honor system, and firmly grasp the fundamental guidance of the construction of the scholarship system; adhere to the guidance of combat, and highlight all aspects of the design, wearing order, and number of wearing, highlightDuring the war, special experiences and honors were focused on the war, focusing on encouragement, and focusing on reflecting combat, implementation of major tasks, and service in difficult areas; adhere to the design of the system, the project sets up the characteristics of the army and the characteristics of the military, and the content setting covers meritorious honor commendation and post contribution.The serving of the service, the style presents the color matching coordination and the beauty, reflects the overall, overallness, and coordination; adheres to the consistency of officers and soldiers, regardless of whether the officers and soldiers, regardless of their positions to obtain honor, serving dedication, and determining the number of honorary watchesThe quantity fully demonstrates that the officers and soldiers in front of the honor are unanimously equal; adhere to the inheritance of innovation, not only pay attention to inheriting the glorious historical tradition of the Chinese army, learn the beneficial experience of the award system, use the army red genetic elements, and actively adapt to the innovation and development of new situation tasks.Establish a system of soldiers with a more new era characteristics, in line with the characteristics of the new system, and reflecting the requirements of the new mission.The prescribed release and implementation, in order to build a scientific and reasonable scholarship project management mechanism, a sound and perfect award mechanism, a smooth and orderly supply guarantee mechanism, an authoritative and efficient use supervision mechanism, standardize the management of the army's watches, and provide institutional guarantee.