The China National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance and other departments have issued guidance on promoting large -scale poverty alleviation and relocation and resettlement areas into the integration of new urbanization to achieve high -quality development.It is proposed that promoting orderly landing in the town.Fully respect the relocation population to settle in urban will, formulate specific settlement measures according to local conditions, improve the convenience of household registration and migration, and encourage supporting and supporting the relocated people to enter the city.Actively and stabilize the system of residence permit for new citizens, and promote the gradual coverage of the basic public services of cities and towns to gradually cover the resorting population.Protect the legitimate rights and interests of the relocated people who have settled in cities and towns in the countryside.

Comprehensive news of the First Financial and CCTV News Client, the guidance pointed out that it is necessary to guide the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Chinese President Xi Jinping, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC, adhere to the peopleCentered on the development of development, insist on doing your best, do your best, focus on large -scale and easy to poverty alleviation and relocation and resettlement zones to meet the launching point and end of the people's longing for a better life to consolidate and expand the results of new types of poverty alleviation and relocation and relocation.The strategy of urbanization and rural revitalization is the main line, focusing on supporting and strengthening the characteristic industries of the county, focusing on promoting the employment and entrepreneurship of the relocated people, focusing on improving the supporting facilities of the resettlement area, focusing on improving the basic public service system, strengthening the community governance system, solving the urgency of the relocated people to worry and worryThe problem, accelerate the realization of population citizenship, diversification of employment, industrial characteristics, equalization of basic public services, modernization of social governance, comprehensively transform the relocated people's production and lifestyle, ensure that the relocated people can be stable, gradually become rich, and to promote the high area of poverty alleviation.Quality development has achieved a solid foundation for Chinese -style modernization as scheduled.

The guidance is clear. It is necessary to classify and guide large -scale resettlement areas to integrate new urbanization, promote the development and development of the integration of the resettlement area and the urban and towns, and promote the integration and developmentEssenceIt is necessary to accelerate the process of relocating the population of the population, promote orderly settlement in cities, improve the ability to integrate into urban and towns, and strengthen the guarantee of legitimate rights and interests.It is necessary to promote high -quality and full employment, comprehensively promote diversified employment, vigorously support multi -format entrepreneurship, and comprehensively improve employment skills.It is necessary to promote the characteristics of the characteristics of the county industry, enhance the sustainable development capabilities of the subsequent industries of the resettlement area, strengthen the regional industrial cooperation assistance, and enhance the ability of the county's characteristic industries to radiate.It is necessary to comprehensively improve the convenience of production and life in the resettlement area, promote the extension of the infrastructure of the county, support the upgrading of supporting facilities, and achieve public service bidding expansion.It is necessary to build a modern resettlement community, improve community service capabilities, and innovate community governance models.

Guidance requirements, localities must strengthen organizational leadership, press the responsibility of localization management of the county -level government, and strengthen the power equipment for subsequent support staff at the grassroots level.It is necessary to strengthen policy support, incorporate the subsequent development projects of large resettlement districts into the construction project database of the county and municipalities, increase the tilt support for the new construction land plan indicators to the relocated population county.Support large -scale resettlement areas and related areas to improve management and service levels.It is necessary to strengthen the guarantee of funds, and in accordance with the principle of "money goes with people", we will give financial support to areas where the citizenship reward mechanism of the population is transferred to the population of agriculture to relocate the relocation population.Eligible resettlement areas should be incorporated into new urbanization related projects into the central and provincial financial and provincial financial connection rural revitalization subsidy funds and local government special bond support scope.