Solk Mountain City

Yuan Jiajun, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and former secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, who was once known as "Aerospace Marshal".Chongqing Municipal Party Secretary. The interviewed Chongqing scholars believe that Yuan Jiajun may transfer economic energy such as Zhejiang model, optimal practice, and fintech to Chongqing, adding new momentum to local development.

Yuan Jiajun, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, across provinces on December 8 last year, and replaced Chen Miner as the secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee. Shancheng also officially entered the "Yuan Jiajun Times" from the "Chen Minle Times".

The local members of Zhejiang, a former private economy and taxation province, how to lead the western industrial town Chongqing to step out of the economic drive model of long -term high dependence on state -owned enterprises, and the development of industrial upgrading and high -quality development.One of the focus.

The 60 -year -old Yuan Jiajun is Jilin Tonghua, who has a doctorate degree in engineering.He has worked in the aerospace field for nearly 25 years. He is known as "Aerospace Marshal". At the age of 33, he served as the executive deputy commander of the Shenzhou No. 1 spacecraft system.Deputy General Manager of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group.

According to the United Morning Post, people who have worked with Yuan Jiajun have high evaluations of him: "The biggest feature is the strictness of the engineering person."

After 2012, Yuan Jiajun took off from the aerospace department to the local party and government system experience. First, he went to Ningxia as the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, and the official vice chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Region.

More than two years later, Yuan Jiajun went to Zhejiang as executive deputy governor and worked in this southeast economic province for more than eight years.In July 2017, he was promoted to the governor, and in August 2020 to the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, after the 2022 Communist Party of China in October 2022, he was elected as a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and ranked among the leaders of the party and the country.

During the Zhejiang period, Yuan Jiajun repeatedly introduced Zhejiang to the outside world.In March 2021, in an exclusive interview with China International Television (CGTN), he introduced the progress of Zhejiang in the construction of Zhejiang in the construction of a digital economy, beautiful countryside, entrepreneur team, and high -efficiency government.

Yuan Jiajun created a new Chongqing

Yuan Jiajun quickly played the slogan of "New Era, New Chongqing" after arriving in Chongqing, and established the focus of the economy of fighting the economy as the main work of the mountain city.

The Sixth Municipal Party Committee of Chongqing held a plenary meeting on December 21 last year to establish the goal of the construction of Shancheng in the next five years with the theme of "New Era, New Chongqing", and through the "New Chongqing" method.

The decision document reviewed and approved by the plenary session was based on the "six significant improvement" of the Chongqing Party Congress in May last year, further improving the key performance indicators (KPI), including regional production in the next five years, including regional production generalsValue (GDP) and per capita GDP have been over 4 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 774.5 billion) and the 120,000 yuan mark.

Among Chinese cities in the previous year, only 4 trillion yuan of GDPs in Beijing and Shanghai, and Chongqing GDP is less than 2.8 trillion yuan.

Qiu Dongyang, dean of the School of Economics and Finance of Chongqing University of Technology, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Yuan Jiajun proposed a new Chongqing after arriving in the Chongqing to set up a new development goal for the new and old alternation, so that all sectors of officials and merchants can feel changes and local vitality.Essence

He said: "(Yuan Jiajun) should form a new Chongqing based on the focus of the economy, which is very obvious."

Last year, the Chongqing economy was only 2.6 %, which was a significant slowdown of 5.7 percentage points from the previous year, and it was far lower than the official expectations of 2.9 percentage points.

Qiu Dongyang believes that the specific content of New Chongqing is partly reflected in the latest work report of the Municipal Government on January 13, including adjusting the target of Chongqing's economic growth to more than 6 %, and set in 2027 (that is, Chongqing's directly under the jurisdiction of the Chongqing Speed AdministrationThe 30th anniversary) regional GDP has reached a level of 4 trillion yuan, ranking among the ranks of first -tier cities.

Yao Shujie, a professor of economics at Chongqing University, analyzed in an interview that Yuan Jiajun once dominated Zhejiang. His governance background and path are all related to "reform and opening up, relatively developed areas" and "thinking are more open".The leader "believes that it can strengthen Chongqing's economic construction.

Yao Shujie said that after Yuan Jiajun's main administration of Chongqing, he joined the class with Mayor Hu Henghua, who had rich experience in state -owned enterprise reform, and believed that he would inject more new momentum into Chongqing's economic transformation.He believes that there are more senior officials who "dare to reform and dare to do things" on January 17.

Promote the development of the private economy

Pu Yongjian, a professor of economics at the School of Economics and Business Administration of Chongqing University, pointed out to this newspaper that Yuan Jiajun has repeatedly emphasized the development of the digital economy several times. It is expected that Zhejiang's optimal practice and empirical resources in this area will be introduced into Chongqing, so thatThe mountain city located in the western region further gets rid of the unrestricted limitations of geography.

Yuan Jiajun was less than two weeks after arriving in Chongqing, and went to private enterprise research discussions on December 20.In contrast, Chen Minle, the former secretary of the municipal party committee, took more than a year after Chongqing, and only visited the investigator in November 2018 to investigate the private enterprises.

Yuan Jiajun emphasized during the investigation that the private economy has a pivotal position in the city's economic development, but there is still insufficient shortcomings in development. It is necessary to promote the difficulty of private enterprises, comprehensively enhance the competitiveness of the private economy, and promote the private economy to become modernization.The main force of construction and high -quality development.

In the resolution documents reviewed and approved by the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee on December 21, 19 measures were proposed around the construction of new Chongqing to optimize the business environment and promoted the development of state -owned enterprises and private economy.

Mayor Hu Henghua made the latest government work report on January 13, and also stated that this year, it is necessary to stimulate the vitality of various market entities, encourage the development of the private economy, carry out the "leading lead" action of private enterprises, vigorously cultivate innovative private enterprises, and strive to private private enterprisesEconomic added value accounts for 60 %.

Scholars interviewed by Chongqing agreed that Yuan Jiajun had previously worked for a long time in Zhejiang, which was known for its good development of private enterprises. He investigated private enterprises in less than two weeks after arriving at the time, and released signals that highly attached great importance to Chongqing's private economy.Some scholars predict that Yuan Jiajun may further loosen private enterprises and reduce the government's intervention in them.

Qiu Dongyang pointed out that Yuan Jiajun, who came from Zhejiang to Chongqing, "must attach great importance to the private economy". Chongqing currently lacks private enterprises with national influence. The development of a new group of private enterprises will inevitably become one of the starting points for the construction of new Chongqing.

Pu Yongjian analyzed that the weakness of Chongqing's economy has always been in private enterprises, and the gap between the past ten years and the coast has continued to expand; Chongqing private enterprises are currently facing challenges such as industrial access and financing difficulties. "Secretary Yuan has emphasized this.It should be said that it is the crux of the development of Chongqing. "

He also pointed out that Zhejiang is one of the best provinces that Chinese -private enterprises have done, and have successful experience in finance and private enterprises; Yuan Jiajun canIt will be able to use the advantages of Zhejiang Zhejiang to transplant Zhejiang's experience in supporting the development of private enterprises to Chongqing to promote it. At the same time, more Zhejiang businessmen may be recruited to invest in Chongqing to invest or carry out commercial cooperation.Essence"It is equivalent to injecting Zhejiang's economic energy into Chongqing's economy. This is his basic idea."

Yao Shujie expects that Yuan Jiajun has the experience of building a business environment and can improve various links that are vital to the development of private enterprises in Chongqing, including finance, law, taxation, and talent flow.

Promote the combination of the strategy of Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle and Luhai New Channel

The day Yuan Jiajun took over the day of the former Municipal Party Secretary Chen Minle, and in his speech, the Shuangcheng Economic Circle and the New Land and Sea New Channel in the Chengdu -Chongqing area were tied to the construction of the two.Come to plan.

The Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle and the New Land and Sea New Channel of the Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle have been proposed for more than three years. In the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in October last year, the combination of the two is also one of the important contents of the new Chongqing.

Yuan Jiajun presided over a meeting to promote the construction of the Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle Construction Leading Group on December 22, saying that the construction of the Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle has entered a new stage of development.

He also led a delegation to Sichuan to inspect on December 30 to hold the sixth party and government joint meeting with Wang Xiaohui, Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Yuan Jiajun emphasized that the Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle should achieve greater breakthroughs in seven aspects, including accelerating the construction of a new land and sea channel in the western region, building a high -level co -construction of Western Science City, and creating a world -class industrial cluster.

Pu Yongjian analyzed that the Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle and Luhai New Channel rose to the national strategy, which will inevitably become a place where the Yuan family's master is in charge of Chongqing; despite being listed as the two major strategies, the Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle and the Luhai New Channel "In the endIt is still integrated to consider. "The combination of the two can further drive the development of western China and move towards internationalization.

He believes that the Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle is actually one of the important nodes on the new channel of the land and sea, and the two are inseparable; Chengdu and Chongqing are both the starting point of the China -Europe trains and the new channel of the land and sea.It is important.

Yao Shujie evaluates that through the complementary combination of the new channels of the land and sea, Chengdu will have the smooth channels for exports to save the transportation cost and time cost for producers.

must solve the problem of vicious competition in Chengdu and Chongqing

The Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle has been proposed for three years, but the issues of homogeneous development and vicious competition in Sichuan and Chongqing's key industries have not been solved.At present, as many as 13 industries in Sichuan and Chongqing's revenue have overlap; the two places are facing resource mismatch in the areas of new generation of information technology, automobile manufacturing and other fields.

Yuan Jiajun emphasized on December 22 that Chengdu will further optimize the allocation of resource allocation and promote the formation of greater joint efforts, suggesting that Chongqing may increase its efforts to resolve the vicious competition with Chengdu and better form misalignment development.

Qiu Dongyang pointed out that the situation of homogeneity in Chengdu and Chongqing is relatively prominent. As a two subject, it is also easy to produce games. It is difficult to coordinate development.

Pu Yongjian analyzed that Chengdu -Chongqing's long -term competition is more than cooperation. The problem of homogeneous competition and industrial division of labor has always been the biggest challenge for the two places. Creating the economic circle is to promote cooperation and industrial division of labor, but this difficulty is not small.At present, the progress is "not very fast or ideal."

should be strengthened to form a longer industrial chain

Pu Yongjian suggested that Chengdu and Chongqing strengthen coordination, and further increase the industries such as automobiles and electronic information currently engaged in both parties to form a longer industrial chain.Chongqing can focus on industrial production.

Qiu Dongyang studied and judged that once Chengdu successfully created an industrial cluster with a longer industrial chain, when the economic transformation was launched in the long run, some industries could also be transferred to the countries and regions along the land and sea.Further promote regional economic integration, "from (1.0) traffic logistics, rising to closer and more comprehensive cooperation."

Require cadres to emancipate their minds

After Yuan Jiajun served as the secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, in September 2020, he spoke at the opening ceremony of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, asking Zhejiang party members and cadres to innovate thinking, "breaking through the rules of the old rules, the frame of the inertia thinking, and getting rid of the constraints of the rules of the rules".Essence

In the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee held on December 21 last year, Yuan Jiajun moved part of the discussions previously proposed in Zhejiang to Chongqing, asking Chongqing party members and cadres to "innovate concepts", "innovation method" and "innovation mechanism".These requirements are also written into the work report of the municipal government this year.

Pu Yongjian and Yao Shujie pointed out that the general thoughts of cadres in western China are old problems. Many cadres are afraid that they do not dare to do things, but the construction of new Chongqing must restart economic development, and the cadres are more necessary.

Yao Shujie believes that Yuan Jiajun requires cadres to try boldly instead of setting up many restrictions on them, which will help improve conservative style.

An analyst of Chongqing who is unwilling to be named said that in recent years, Chongqing has mainly promoted a large number of cadres who have poverty alleviation in the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The proportion of professional and technical personnel is low;Performance must also be adjusted and emphasized more innovation.

The leadership of the new municipal government in Chongqing was released on January 17th. Chen Mingbo, the only member of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee of the Deputy Mayor, is expected to be the executive deputy mayor.Before arriving in Chongqing last March, Chen Mingbo served as the deputy secretary -general of the Shanghai Municipal Government and was in charge of scientific and technological innovation in Shanghai.

Chongqing analysts pointed out that Chen Mingbo's succession of the executive deputy mayor may have a demonstration effect, indicating that the new leadership team of Chongqing attaches more attention to cadres who have made performance and have more open thinking in scientific and technological innovation.

Visit the old comrades to understand Chongqing's officialdom

The fourth day of Yuan Jiajun arrived in Chongqing (December 11) and arranged to visit some veteran comrades in Chongqing, including Gan Yuping, the former mayor of Chongqing, the former mayor of Chongqing, and the former deputy mayor when he served as the deputy mayor in 1997Chen Guangguo and other senior officials of the city government.Among them, Wang Hongju and Chen Guangguo are locals in Chongqing.

On the day of the closing of the Chongqing Conference on January 17, Gan Yuping, Wang Hongju, Chen Guangguo, etc. also attended the podium.At the City People's Congress a year ago, Chongqing retired officials did not attend the podium.

The officials close to Chongqing pointed out to the United Morning Post that in the former municipal government officials in Chongqing's native municipal government, there have always been greater influence in the local area, and the local connections are wider.Learn about Chongqing's officialdom in the past decades of "the ins and out of the dragon and the wrong roots."

Yuan Jiajun proposed a new Chongqing after arriving in the Chongqing, aiming to use the opportunity of new and old alternation to set new development goals, so that all sectors of officials and merchants can feel changes and local vitality.

-Chongqing University of Technology

Qiu Dongyang, Dean of the School of Economics and Finance