In the Internet rumors about "establishing a global headquarters in Singapore", the relevant person in charge of Alibaba Group clearly stated on Friday (January 27), "Unreal, misunderstanding."

According to the surging news report, the above -mentioned person in charge introduced that in 2019, Alibaba participated in the development and construction of a Singapore building in the local partner, only as office space for some Southeast Asian businesses such as Lazada and other groups.

The above -mentioned people said that Alibaba was born in Hangzhou, grows in Hangzhou, and develops in Hangzhou. It is naturally and inevitable that Ali's global headquarters is always in Hangzhou.At the same time, Ali hopes to take root in China to look at the world and actively promote its own global construction, and become a Chinese company founded by the Chinese and global competitiveness.

It is reported that the rumors of Alibaba's establishment headquarters in Singapore first started in November last year.At that time, a short video blogger first released the above remarks.But then, the blogger of the short video also said that he was to collect traffic, so he had processed and performed on the basis of network information.And publicly apologize.In addition, recently, some media said that Alibaba will invest 8.4 billion (RMB and about S $ 1.62 billion) to establish the Ali Global Headquarters Building in Singapore. The project is expected to be completed in 2028.

Ali said that in the past, rumors of "Ali Overseas Global Headquarters and Jack Ma's Overseas Settlement" occasionally undulating, but they were clarified and faked.Ali said that before the Spring Festival, Hong Kong media reported that Jack Ma had arrived in Hong Kong and bought New Year's goods on the street. It seemed to be preparing for the traditional Chinese New Year, so that the rumors that Ma Yun's previously rumored Ma Yun settled in Japan and immigrant Singapore did not break.

According to the Qianjiang Evening News, the Alibaba Hangzhou Global Headquarters Project, located in the Future Science and Technology City of Yuhang District, Hangzhou, has continued to build after ten years.Put into use.

It is understood that in 2013, Ali will settle in the Future Science and Technology City of Yuhang District, Hangzhou, and gradually start the expansion of Xixi Park.After ten years of construction, it will be fully completed before the end of this year, which can accommodate 60,000 employees.

The Hangzhou Municipal People's Government and Alibaba Group comprehensively deepened the strategic cooperation agreement signing activities on January 10.Zhejiang News Client said in the report that Alibaba is a Fortune 500 company growing up in Hangzhou.In 2013, Hangzhou and Alibaba Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement to open an in -depth cooperation with a city with a company.The report pointed out that the specific measures for the healthy development of Hangzhou to support the economic standards of the platform have been formulated.