Sanya Seafood Catering Association issued initiatives to local seafood suppliers and catering companies on Friday (January 27), and the increase rate of various rare seafoods is controlled within 50%.

According to the "Sanya Release" WeChat account, the Sanya Seafood Catering Association said in the proposal notes that the Sanya tourism market in Sanya this year has ushered in the first wave of peaks after the three -year epidemic. With the Spring Festival holiday in 2023It is about to end, and the peak season of Sanya will continue, and Sanya seafood will also appear at high frequency in various hot topics.

The association pointed out that in recent years, the public opinion that Sanya has repeatedly caused the national concern caused by seafood catering consumption, which has caused a great impact on the Sanya catering industry, especially the seafood catering industry.Over the years of rectification and the efforts of the city's seafood catering companies, it is often because of the illegal and illegal laws of a few people, so that the city of Sanya and the entire catering industry is fame.In order to ensure the continued healthy season of Sanya's tourism season, the Sanya Seafood Catering Association has specially initiated initiative to the majority of catering merchants and the city's seafood suppliers:

1. Integrity -based, civilized operations.From now on, it is hoped that the majority of catering merchants and seafood suppliers will abide by laws and regulations, abide by the morality of the industry, work honestly, operate honestly, establish a good civilized business environment, and implement the industry standards of "drilling seafood to sell seafood".

2. Do not coax seafood and other consumption and service prices.Brightly marked the price, do not coax the price; fair competition, not bullying the market; the genuine price, not mixed with fake, consciously resist various illegal acts; establish a good business reputation with practical actions, consciously regulate the market operation order, and create a good trading atmosphere.

3. Please ask each catering merchant and seafood suppliers to save the supply and procurement vouchers. The Association will recommend the relevant functional departments to check the price of seafood in supply and procurement.Ask the city's seafood catering star merchants, seafood catering high -quality service restaurants, large -scale catering companies and other benchmark catering companies to play an exemplary role. Except for the government's 78 conventional seafoods that have limited prices, other types of seafood must be used reasonably.To control the price increase rate, it is recommended that all catering merchants control the average price increase rate of various rare seafood within 50%, and use the business philosophy of "fairness, just enough" to create a good consumer environment for tourists across the country with practical actions.