The International Olympic Committee issued a statement saying that individual athletes of Russia and Belarusian athletes will return to the international arena for "neutral status" under strict limiting conditions.The Asian Olympic Council announced on Thursday (January 26) that Russian and White Ross athletes could participate in the Asian Games held in Hangzhou, China this year.A spokesman for the Chinese Olympic Committee responded to this that it would actively respond and support the initiative and decision of the International Olympic Committee and the Asian Olympic Council. It is willing to build a good entry platform for all athletes including eligible Russian and Belarusian athletes., Jointly defend the Olympic values and maintain the unity of the international Olympic family.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, a spokesman for the Chinese Olympic Committee said in an interview that the Council of the International Olympic Committee's Council has recently issued a statement that the International Olympic Committee has actively actively related to the Olympic movement.The results of in -depth communication and consultation.In December last year, the 11th Olympic Summit of the International Olympic Committee was held in Lausanne, Switzerland. The main leaders of the Olympic Movement discussed this issue on this issue.Gao Zhidan, chairman of the Chinese Olympic Committee, attended the meeting.

The spokesman said that the parties to the meeting agreed that the Olympic movement should be responsible for the mission of solidifying the world.The legitimate rights of all athletes should be protected.At the meeting, the Asian Austrian Council proposed to provide a platform for Russian and Belarusian athletes to return to the international arena within Asia, and received extensive support from participants.Not long ago, the International Olympic Committee once again conducted extensive and in -depth consultations with all members of the International Olympic Committee, the International Single Sports Federation of the International Olympic Committee, the International Federation of Sports, the Olympic Committee and Athletes of various countries/regions.Relevant parties support the suggestions of the Olympic Summit and the position of the International Olympic Committee.

For the view of the Chinese Olympic Committee, a spokesman said that the Chinese Olympic Committee advocates that athletes around the world should enjoy equal entry rights.Interference of factors such as war.China has always adhered to the principles of sports politics neutrality and opposed sports politics.China believes that sports should become a bridge between the unity world, not the opposite; the international sports industry should work together to the future, rather than divide.In the early stage, President Gao Zhidan and Vice Chairman Li Lingwei have expressed the above positions at the Olympic Summit and Video Communication Conference.Faced with many difficult challenges, the International Olympic Committee adheres to the principles of political neutrality, adheres to the athlete as the center, and strives to protect the interests of each athlete. China praises it.

The spokesman also said that the Chinese Olympic Committee will actively respond and support the initiative and decision of the International Olympic Committee and the Asian Olympic Council.Establish a good participation platform to jointly defend the Olympic values and maintain the unity of the international Olympic family.Regarding the specific plan for the two countries to participate in the Hangzhou Asian Games, the relevant parties such as the International Olympic Committee and the Asian Olympic Council will further study, and the relevant plan will meet the common interests of all athletes.

This Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou, China from September 23 to October 8.Asian Austrian will issue a statement on Thursday and say: "All athletes, no matter what national or holding the passport of holding, should be able to participate in sports competitions."

Because Russia invades Ukraine, European countries are against Russia and Russia and Russia and Russia and Russia and Russia andWhite Ross issued various restrictions and prohibitions, resulting in athletes from the two countries from being unable to participate in the competition in Europe.