(California Shanjing City Composite Electric), Alphabet Inc revealed on Thursday that Google has noticed a network water army organization related to China and blocked more than 50,000 information content shared by the network last year.

Threat Analysis Group's threat analysis team on Thursday (January 26), in the report, reviewed a series of organizations named Dragonbridge in 2022.

According to Bloomberg, the report states that Longqiao is sometimes called "Spamouflage Dragon", which is a network waters organization that spreads spam and spreads some political content with the interests of Beijing.

Longqiao promotes the views of pro -China through the thousands of fake accounts on various social media platforms to spread the content related to current affairs through different channels.

The content spread by Longqiao in 2022 crosses extensive news topics, including advocating the efforts of China's resistance, criticizing the US democratic system, referring to the United States and allies to interfere with the Chinese internal affairs, and support the advocacy of martial arts Taiwan.The main objects of these contents are Chinese audiences, but some narratives are performed in English and other languages.


Report revealed that Google shielded more than 50,000 contents of Longqiao on its platform in 2022, and has blocked them more than 100,000 accounts in the past few years when Longqiao performs information operations.

Although the size and content of the Longqiao Water Army are huge, the relevant content published failed to receive attention.The report pointed out that most of the Youtube channel subscribers of Longqiao are zero, and more than 80%of the videos are less than 100, and the posting volume on the blog is almost less than 10.

Google said that the content of Longqiao is inferior, and there are often meaningless images, chaotic audio, and inadequate editing. "This may be one of the reasons why they have not obtained the real audience."