A Chinese online novels by the Sichuan Province Detoxification AdministrationAfter the official name was criticized, he questioned his "praising drug lord love" and called for resistance to the "poison" novel. After the incident caused public opinion, the publisher responded that the physical book had been removed.

The official Weibo of the Sichuan Provincial Detoxification Administration posted a video in the early morning on Thursday (January 5), named criticism of the novels, and the text said "Literary creation must have a bottom line, so let the hero bleed again and againChinxin, China is a major drug control country, and it is a zero -tolerance attitude towards drugs. History cannot be repeated, drugs are endless for a day, and drug control is more than a moment. "

The criticism of being criticized is an online novel, which has been published by Baihuazhou Literature and Art Publishing House. The author is Chuhe Chu.It is understood that the novel tells the story of the heroine spontaneously undercover, and to fall in love with drug lord male lead in order to avenge the boyfriend's boyfriend, and eventually co -siege the male lead with another undercover anti -drug police.

视频显示,有书粉晒出这部小说实体书,表达对小说的喜爱,还有书粉留言自称“三观不正,就喜欢荆复洲(男主)爱安愿(女Lord), I hope they are old and old. "Jing Fuzhou is guilty, but his love is innocent", and even the love of the drugs to praise the drug lord, and release the improper remarks of virginating anti -drug police.

The Sichuan Provincial Detoxification Administration said in the video that China has zero tolerance for drugs. China is the country with the most drug control and strictest control in the world.One of them, in the face of violent drug dealers, every arrest is fighting with life. "

Video pointed out that since 2017, more than 30 anti -drug police nationwide in China sacrificed, more than 60 anti -drug police were injured, calling for resistance to "drug" novels, paying tribute to heroic anti -drug heroes.Darkness is because countless brave people block the darkness where the darkness cannot see. "

According to the surging news report, the style did not shake a lot of criticism on the Internet last year.Young netizens believe that the book "subverts the three views".

At present, the book cannot be found on books such as Dangdang and JD.com, and relevant product information on e -commerce platforms such as Taobao can still find the online reading link of the book on the Internet.

The author Chu Hechu posted a long article on Weibo on October 14, 2022, "As the style is seen by more people, the impact brings me unexpectedly.At the same time, I also harvested abuse, rumors and personal attacks, and even affected my readers. "

The criticism of the outside world is not shaking," the starting point of this novel from the beginningIt is the pursuit of justice, and each word of Cheng Qi and Zhou Yan is expressing my respect and admiration for the anti -drug police: I also depicts the brutal and vulgarity of Jing Fuzhou once, and there is no sympathy for his death.Can't go to the saying of 'whitewashing'. "At the end of Changwen, Chu Chu said that he would stop updating permanently on Weibo.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, Thursday (5th) learned from Baihuazhou Literature and Art Publishing House, which published the novel in the morning that this was published by the publisher and third -party company. It has been removed from the shelves.This book has not been sold online.

The Jiupai News quoted people familiar with the matter and said that the style was notified to be removed from the shelves two months ago. Recently, all of them were pirated books.The dispute announced the retreat.The staff of the Jiangxi Provincial Press and Publication Bureau responded to reporting the matter to the printing and distribution office, and is understanding the situation and handling.

The China Official Media People's Daily Online Review Department posted a review event on the official Weibo, saying that the novel was reprimanded as "three views of the wrong" and not wronged.The article believes that anti -drug police often appear in the most dangerous places. They should respect and take more respect and care for them. They cannot consume, stigmatize them, and even harm them with deformities.

For the processing of the publishing house, the article states that it is the right way to remove the shelves, but it cannot be one hundred because of the removed. The problems behind it are still worth pondering and discussion.

The article emphasizes that creation is the author's rights and freedom, but it cannot be thrown away from the bottom line, and it cannot hurt the public order and good customs.

The official Weibo of the Communist Youth League also posted a consecutive post on Thursday to comment on the novel, "Literary creation must have a bottom line, zero tolerance for any whitewashing and beautifying drug dealers, so let the anti -drug hero bleed and chill", "Some of themIn order to pursue strange hunting, online literature has put aside the image of drug dealers in the bottom line of law and morality, and seriously distorts the values of young people ... The painful history and bleeding facts are always alert to us and the anti -drug alarm bells are long. "