The Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the Congo reported that a Chinese citizen was abducted locally and was unfortunately killed.

According to the WeChat public account of the "Chinese Embassy in the Democratic Republic of China" on Wednesday (January 4), a Chinese citizen disappeared in Korumi on December 29 last year, and later found that he was abducted by abductionStrange, unfortunately killed.The main criminal suspects have been arrested at present, and the case is under investigation.

According to reports, the Congo Self -Defense Organization Alliance and M23 December 29th fiercely fought in Tongogo Village, Lupu Lu District, Beijiwu Province. The alliance claimed to kill 13 M23 armed personnel.

The notification said that the Democratic Alliance forces (ADF) attacked a cargo truck from the Beini to Cassindi Highway on January 1, causing two to die.On January 2nd, a child with a landmine was detonated by the children played by the Luji Jiji Plain in Nanji Wuxi Province, causing two children to die and six injuries.

The notice said that from January 2nd to 4th, M23 had a fire with the Gang Gang's army, and successively occupied the town of Kisharo and nyamilima in the Ruqilu area in Beiji Province, which led the local people to escape from their homes.

Report saying that the security situation of the Congo (gold) is severe and complicated.Since mid -December, the M23 and Gang Gang Gang Gang's army has re -engaged in the fire in the Lupu Lu area of the East East, and has not evacuated the occupation area. Please do not go to the Jiaotong area.Chinese citizens in the local area should pay close attention to changes in the security situation and take risk aversion and security measures in a timely manner.

Renewal of reports that the risk of armed attacks and hostages of Hugi, such as Yitury, Beijiwu, Nanjiwu, Shangwei, and other provinces in the east faced the risk of hostage and hostage, and there were many cases of vicious cases involved in Chinese citizens and institutions.Chinese citizens in the above -mentioned high -risk provinces are accelerated.If the local Chinese citizens have not been reported, please report personal information to the embassy as soon as possible.All the consequences of the consequences of refusing to report information and insisting on going to or staying in the above four provinces will be responsible.

The notification said that the cases of vicious law and order such as the robbery and theft of Chinese enterprises and citizens in the southeast Corusovica, Lu Benbashi, Licakis and other places were still in a trend of incidence.Please fully understand the severe and complexity of Chinese citizens and Chinese citizens and capital institutions in the country, and resolutely eliminate paralysis thoughts and fluke.Pay close attention to the local security situation, strengthen the awareness of risk prevention, increase security investment with the highest standards, and coordinate safety guarantees and production and operation.

The notification also said that Chinese -funded institutions that are located in the area of a significant deterioration of safety, please take measures to avoid unnecessary going out, reduce unnecessary personnel, and carefully adjust production and operation under the situation of emergencies.Emergency plan arranged with personnel.In case of emergency, please call the police in time and contact the embassy.