In response to the World Health Organization, China's crown disease data has not provided actual situation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has reiterated that China has always shared relevant information and data with the international community in a open and transparent attitude, and called on the WHO to uphold it to adhere to itScience, objective, and fair positions respond to the challenges of epidemic.

According to China News Network, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said on a regular press conference on Thursday (January 5) that since the outbreak of the epidemic, China has maintained close cooperation with WHO for a long time to work with the WHO to have a close cooperation with the WHO and with the WHO.The three -level institutions of the WHO headquarters, the West Pacific District and the representative office of China maintain a close and smooth communication channel.According to incomplete statistics, the two sides have had at least 60 technical exchanges such as the prevention and control, treatment, vaccine research and development, and virus traceability since the report of the crown disease epidemic report.

She said that since the optimization and adjustment of China's epidemic prevention and control measures, China has held technical exchange meetings many times, including December 9, 2022, December 30 and January 5, 2023EssenceRelevant departments in China have recently shared virus gene sequences of Crownic virus infection of Crown disease virus infection through Gisaid (GISAID).

Mao Ning said that WHO has repeatedly told China that the technical exchanges held by the China Tongwei Organization have opened very well and achieved positive results.The relevant information and data provided by China will help scientists from all countries to understand China's virus evolution and establish confidence in the international scientific community to prevent and control China.

She also said that at present, China's epidemic situation is controllable, and China will continue to carry out technical exchanges with WHO.It is hoped that the Secretariat of the WHO will adhere to the scientific, objective, and fair position and strive to play an active role in responding to the global response of epidemic challenges.

On January 5, 2023, the WHO held a member states notification meeting to invite Chinese experts to attend the meeting to further notify the specific situation of the Chinese epidemic prevention and control, and provide more detailed epidemic data.However, Mike Ryan, the executive director of the WTO's sudden health incident planning on Wednesday (January 4), said: "We believe that the existing figures announced in China cannot fully show the number of crown diseases in the hospital, and the intensive care unit.The impact of the number of admission people, especially in terms of the number of deaths. "

Tan Desai, Director of the WHO, also said earlier that due to the opaque data of China's epidemic, countries implement border control and control against China for China.Measures to protect their people understand.In this regard, Mao Ning reiterated that China's epidemic situation is controllable. Epidemic prevention measures should be scientific and moderate. They should not take the opportunity to engage in political manipulation.cooperate.