As the Chinese government hinted that the import ban on Australian coal for more than two years will be canceled, Chinese buyers have begun to ask traders to ensure that they transport coal from Australia.

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter and reported that this includes not only the first four companies that may take the lead in importing imports, as well as other companies.Some insiders also say that if the first batch of pilots are successful, the Chinese regulatory authorities are willing to let more companies import Australian coal.

Bloomberg quoted people earlier that people familiar with the matter said that the China National Development and Reform Commission met with some electricity and steel companies on Tuesday (January 3) to discuss the restoration of the import of Australia and coal.It is planned to first allow Baowu, Datang, Huaneng, and Guoneng to import coal from Australia.

Two of them also said that imports may be recovered as early as April 1.

The Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in a statement that it is known that Chinese importers may purchase Australian coal this year."The Australian government has always believed that normal trade between Australia and Central Australia is in line with the best interests of the two countries. The same is true of the coal industry,"

Analysts of the China Coal Transport and Sales Association said. China in 2023The import of coal may rebound to nearly half of the level before the embargo.A more comprehensive recovery may be restricted by China's high inventory suppression needs, and other Asian countries, even some European importers, have almost completely ordered Australian goods.

Association analyst Han Lei said at a press conference on Wednesday (January 4) that it is not easy to restart a comprehensive restart. Buyers may enter the market again.Action.

China has been the largest trading partner in Australia in the past, and the Chinese market is critical to Australian mineral exports.However, the relationship between the two countries has continued to deteriorate due to the allegations of spy penetration and the disable Huawei in Australia in the past few years, and Australia's proposition to survey the source of crown diseases has prompted China to ban the import of Australia coal non -publicly at the end of 2020.If China resumes imports, it will confirm the recovery of the relationship between the two parties.

Sino -Australian relations have gradually improved recently.In November 2022, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Australian Prime Minister Albanis in Bali, Indonesia; followed by December, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian visited China, which is also the first Australian foreign minister to visit China in several years.