The competition between China and the United States is becoming increasingly tense.US computer manufacturer Dell has set a goal to achieve all its products in 2024 no longer use Chinese chips, and also requires its suppliers to significantly reduce the use of Chinese components in products.

According to the Nikkei Asian news reports, three people familiar with the matter revealed that Dell informed the supplier at the end of 2022 that the company's goal should be significantly reduced in the number of Chinese chips in products, including non -Chinese chip manufacturing manufacturing, including non -Chinese chip manufacturingMerchant chips produced in Chinese factories.By 2024, Dell's chip used to achieve its products was produced outside China.

In addition to the people, in addition to the chip, Dell also requires suppliers and product assembly owners of electronic modules and print circuit boards such as electronic modules and printing circuit boards to start preparing to improve the capacity of countries outside China (such as Vietnam).

A person familiar with the matter said that this goal is very aggressive, which not only involves chips currently produced by Chinese chip manufacturers, but also chips produced by non -Chinese suppliers in Chinese factories.If Dell's supplier has no measures to meet Dell's request, they may eventually lose Dell's order.

People familiar with the matter said that Dell's domestic competitors HP also began to investigate their suppliers to evaluate the feasibility of migrating production and assembly lines.

In the past, computer manufacturers such as Dell and Hewlett -Packard would not worry about the manufacture of these chips from chip developers, but the change of this attitude surprised some people in the industry.

According to data from the data provider Canalys, Dell and HP's 2021 laptop and desktop computer shipments exceeded 133 million units.conduct.

A chip supplier of Dell and Hewlett -Packard said that thousands of components in laptops have formed a mature and complete ecological chain in China for many years."We used to know that Dell has slowly planned to shift its supply chain from China to diversified, but this time it was a bit aggressive and affected by the US government's policy. They even did not want their chips to make in China."

The supplier said: "This is not just an evaluation, nor is it calling the wolf, but a real, being ongoing plan, and this trend looks irreversible."

Dell's interview said that the company is continuing to diversify global supply chain, which makes sense to the company's customers and business, and also emphasized that "China is an important market for our team members and customer services."

Dell did not explain in detail the plan to suspend the use of Chinese chips, but said, "In order to meet the needs and expectations of our customers and partners, we have established geographical diversity in the global supply chainFlexibility and stability. "

Out of concerns about national security, the US government has been increasing its blow to the Chinese chip industry.In October last year, the US Department of Commerce issued a comprehensive export ban on Chinese chips to crack down on China's ability to obtain advanced chips and its production equipment that can be used for military development and application.

Eddie Han analyzer Eddie Han analyzed by Apple and other American electronics manufacturers, the geopolitical tension between China and the United States is more seriously implemented by the establishment of an alternative to the geopolitical tension between China and the United States.One of the main reasons for the production base plan.

Ivan Lam, a technical analyst at the counterpoint, also believes that more electronic product manufacturing bases will appear in the next five to ten years, which may be in India, Southeast Asia and Latin America."We still think that this takes a lot of time, but this time the trend really appears, this will be the future of the technology supply chain."