The World Health Organization believes that China's crown data is also compared with the data of crown diseases in China.No actual situation is provided, and the number of crown diseases and deaths are underestimated.

According to Reuters, Mike Ryan, the executive director of the WHO Mike Ryan, said on Wednesday (January 4), "We believe that the existing figures announced in China cannot be fully sufficientShow the impact of crown diseases in the number of admission and the number of people admitted to the intensive care unit, especially in terms of deaths. "

Ruian also said that the WHO believes that the Chinese government's death of crown diseases to crown diseases isThe definition is too narrow, and said: "We still have no complete data."

Chinese official last December said that pneumonia and respiratory failure were diagnosed by pneumonia and respiratory failure due to coronary virus.Death caused by virus infections; death caused by other diseases and basic diseases, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, myocardial infarction, etc., is not classified as death caused by crown disease.

The WHO believes that if the cause of death or diagnosis of patients is related to clinical compatible diseases, and does not involve other non -related causes such as trauma, the cause of death should be blamed on the crown disease.

China held a technical exchange meeting with the World Health Organization on December 9, 2022 and December 30, 2022 to conduct in -depth exchanges on technical issues such as the current epidemic situation, medical treatment and vaccination.

It is reported that China's top scientists submitted data to the WHO Technology Consulting Group on Tuesday (January 3, 2023), showing that there was no new variety of viruses in China.

WHO is preparing to meet with Chinese scientists again on Thursday (5th).This meeting is part of the crown disease epidemic conference between WHO and its member states.

ABDI Rahman Mahamud, Director of the Secretary of the WHO, reminds the outsideEssence