Chinese official and Philippine President President Xiaomas met in Beijing on Wednesday (January 4). The two parties stated that they would restart the negotiations of South China Sea Oil and Gas Development.Chinese officials emphasized that they would properly handle maritime issues with the Philippines to properly handle maritime issues in a friendly and negotiated way; P / -Philippine proposed that China and the Philippines should strengthen cooperative relations, making the two countries a stable and strong driving force behind the new international economy.

Little Marco Starting on Tuesday (January 3), China has carried out a three -day state -owned visit to China, and met with Chinese official, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, and Li Zhanshu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Wednesday.

This is the first visit to China after President Last June last year, and it is also the first foreign leader received by China in 2023.Chinese official on Wednesday held a welcome ceremony for the Great Hall of the People. Welcome banquets were also held at a high specification.

According to Xinhua News Agency, when China officially met with Marco, China emphasized that China has always put the Philippines "putting priority in surrounding diplomacy" and insisted on looking at Sino -Philippines relations from strategy and global.He said that he would like to maintain regular strategic communication with Marco and comprehensively plan the development of bilateral relations.

According to the official press release of the Philippines, Magaks proposed that the Philippines and China should strengthen cooperative relations, making the two countries a stable and strong driving force behind the new international economy.

The sovereignty dispute between the South China Sea is the largest friction point of China and the Philippines. In 2019, China and the Philippines began to try to alleviate different interests through the South China Oil and Gas Development.It is announced that the negotiation has been terminated on the grounds of constitutional restrictions and sovereignty issues.

Xinhua News Agency reported that the full text did not mention the South China Sea, but Chinese officials stated that China is willing to properly handle the sea issues with the Philippines in a friendly and negotiated manner, restart the negotiations of oil and gas development, promote oil and gas development cooperation in non -disputed areas, and carry out photovoltaic, wind energy, and new new energy, and new energy, new energy, and new energy, and new energy.Green energy cooperation such as energy vehicles.

Little Marcos proposed the importance of restarting negotiations.The official press release of the Philippines quoted Martakus: "I hope that the negotiations can achieve results, because not only China and the Philippines, but also other countries in the world are also facing pressure."

The Philippines is an important ally in the United States in Southeast Asia, which is located in the first island chain; some analysts believe that Macos may adjust Duterte's "pro -China sparse beauty" policy after taking office.focus on.

Chinese officials say that China is willing to focus on cooperation and development with the Philippines and other Asianima countries, maintain the central position of Asia Gyeongan in regional cooperation, "promote the region to get rid of the shadow of the Cold War, avoid camp confrontation, and continue to become a highland for development and prosperity."Essence

When meeting with Li Keqiang, Little Marco also emphasized that the Philippines established partnership with other countries in order to build the economy and promote social transformation under the current challenges. "The relationship between other partners ".

China and the Philippines signed 14 cooperation documents on Wednesday, including establishing a communication mechanism on maritime issues on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the two countries. Other cooperation content covers the areas of the Belt and Road, agricultural and fisheries, infrastructure, finance and other fields.

China and Philippine will issue a joint statement during the visit to China. As of 11:00 on Wednesday, the joint statement has not yet been released.

Scholars: Marthacs in the United States and China not to choose the edge

Zhang Deng, director of the Department of Political Science, Taiwan University, and the analysis of the United Morning Post interviews, China and the Philippines have a lot of differences on the issue of South China Sea, and they can propose to restart oil and gas development negotiations valuable.Significantly adjusted its strategy to turn to the United States, hoping to maintain a neutral attitude between the United States and China that is not involved and not selected.

Aries Arugay, a visiting scholar of Yusov Isaf Issa East South Asia Singapore, believes that the differences in the issues of China and the Philippines on the South China Sea issue will ease and help promote the overall situation of the South China Sea to stabilize in the short term.; But if China and the Philippines achieve oil and gas development cooperation and successfully discover oil and gas, it may cause more complicated disputes.