Some areas of Hebei Province in China reported that natural gas restrictions and disconnection problems have occurred, resulting in some local residents being forced to freeze in the middle of the winter. on Wednesday (January 4) quoted a number of villagers in the villagers in Bubu Township, Baixiang County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, that since the heating season in 2022, the rural areas of Baixiang County are mainly gas supply companies -- Baixiang County Jinxin Natural Gas Co., Ltd. (referred to as Jinxin Company) frequently occurred the problems such as natural gas restrictions, irregularities, and decreased gas quality.

They revealed that since November 2022, villagers in Baixiang County can only purchase 200 square squares from Jinxin Company each month.The photo is purchased in the local business hall, and you can only buy 100 cubic meters of natural gas at a time."More than 200 square meters per month, only enough to make a meal." Said a villager named Guo in Neiqiao Township: "The quality of gas is obviously wrong.. "

According to reports, one of the means of natural gas purchase is that most users of Baixiang County cannot pay for mobile phones and can only go to the business hall to queue up to buy Qi.Another villager named Guo in Nei Bu Township said that there are about 120 administrative villages in Baixiang County. Among them, almost all villages that realize "coal -to -gas" are supplied by Jinxin Company.The recent business hall is 6 kilometers away from his house."The business hall is relatively far from many villages, and the situation in front of 50 or 60 people is very common. It is not convenient to buy gas under the antenna in winter."

Jinxin Company of Baixiang CountyThe company has given many times the design-construction bidding section and natural gas pipeline construction projects in the rural "gas" project in Baixiang County.China Gas is one of China's largest cross -regional comprehensive energy supply and service companies. It operates more than 1,700 companies in China and has more than 660 pipeline gas projects with gas -like operation an important role.

According to the surging news on Thursday (January 5), a number of netizens have recently reported on the "Leadership Board" message on the People's Daily Online.

Among them, a netizen in Xingtai, Hebei last Friday (December 30) made a complaint on the "Leadership Board" of the People's Daily Online that Nijiazhuang Village, Renze District, Xingtai City, has never been able to buy natural gasThere is no way to warm up normally."The old man has passed, his body is weak, and his body is frozen at home."

A netizen of a netizen in Xing Tainan Palace, Hebei also complained on Wednesday (December 28) on the "Leadership Board" on the People's Daily Online.It is said that Nangong City Sucun Town uses natural gas wall -mounted boilers to warm it. Now it is often stopped. There are only three meals during the day to cook gas and supply gas.You can't rest, adults have a cold, and there are many people who have a cold and fever in the town. "

In this regard, the Office of the Municipal Party Committee of Xing Tainan Palace reunited on Friday. After investigation and verification, netizens reported that the problem was true.The Office of the Municipal Party Committee of Xing Tainan Palace also said that the reason for this problem is that the amount of gas sources in the province is insufficient, and there is a gap between the gas supply and demand.At the same time, the leaders of Nangong City have carried out coordinated scheduling on the problem, requiring enterprises to rectify immediately to ensure that the masses warm over the winter.

According to, the main contradiction is that the upstream gas source unit supplys the air supply company at the non -resident gas price, but the terminal sales price of Chengfan Company can only be controlled by the terminal sales price.Lower residents' gas price settlement.

The report quoted a local gas company leader said: "The upstream gas source unit does not provide enough control of gas resources. In addition to some of the control gas supplied by PetroChina in Tianjin and Hebei Province, the rest and the remaining ones and the remaining ones and the rest and as well asIncluding all high-priced gas supplied by Sinopec and CNOOC. In the heating season of 2020-2021, only 2.96 billion square meters of the vapor of the rural 'coal-to-gas' in Hebei Province performed the price of residentsThe price of 'three barrels of oil' is higher than that of the terminal resident of Chengfan Company 0.85 yuan (RMB, about S $ 0.17)/square. "In addition, the import gas price is also soaring.

The person in charge of the local city -fire enterprise also revealed: "This winter, Chengfan Company requires upstream gas source units to settle the rural" coal -to -gas' user gas price at the residential price, but PetroChina does not agree and cannot give it to it.The amount of gas from the "coal to gas" in the rural areas of Zicheng Ran Company leads to the offerings of the downstream city. "

However, a person familiar with the city of Hebei Province told that the city gasIt is related to the country and the people's livelihood, and the upstream gas supply units and the downstream urban -Ran Company should not get the end users."People are difficult to buy qi and buying qi, and do not meet the purpose of the country to protect people's livelihood."

According to reports, there is a lack of one -hand gas source and high market gas prices, and end -civilian gas prices are low.The spread of price difference, the cost of gas source and the inverted price of gas, is the fundamental difficulty currently facing private urban -burning companies with weak resource strength.At the beginning, the small and medium -sized private companies that entered the city -burning market with the "coal -to -gas" in the countryside and the rural areas. As the "coal -to -gas" project was close to the end, the market dividend retired, how to continue to operate to ensure the safety and stability of the end of the residents of the end of the residents.Become a problem that these gas companies need to solve.