Chinese President Xi Jinping and Philippine President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President MatokusAfter the meeting on Wednesday (January 4), the two countries issued a joint statement on Thursday (5th), emphasizing that the disputed of the South China Sea is not the whole of bilateral relations. It agrees to properly control the differences.On the basis of the United Nations Charter and the United Nations Marine Law in 1982, they handle disputes in a peaceful way.

According to Xinhua News Agency, China and the Philippine joint statement covered 28 items, including a number of issues involving the South China Sea.

The sovereignty dispute in the South China Sea is the biggest friction point of China and the Philippines. In 2019, China and the Philippines began to try to negotiate through the South China Oil and Gas Development.Before he took office, the negotiation was terminated on the grounds of constitutional restrictions and sovereignty issues.

Statement said that the heads of state of the two countries exchanged their opinions on the situation of the South China Sea, emphasizing that the dispute between the South China Sea was not the whole of bilateral relations, and agreed to properly control the differences.The two sides reiterated the importance of maintaining and promoting regional peace and stability, the South China Sea navigation and freedom of freedom, and agreed to handle disputes in peacetime on the basis of the National Sea of the South China Sea and the United Nations Charter of the United Nations and the 1982 United Nations Marine Law.

The statement also said that the heads of state of the two countries agreed to establish trust measures to help enhance mutual trust, and affirmed the important role of China -Philippine diplomatic consultation and the bilateral consultation mechanism of China -Philippine South China Sea issues.The two sides decided to establish a direct communication mechanism for the Department of Foreign Ministry of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Statement mentioned that the two sides recognized the important role of the maritime police of the two countries to carry out pragmatic cooperation, attached importance to and agreed to hold the fourth meeting of the China -Philippine Maritime Police Maritime Cooperation Committee as soon as possible to hold annual defense security dialogue in a timely manner.

In addition, the head of state of the two countries emphasized that the significance of the behavior of all parties in the South China Sea is of great significance to maintaining the peace and stability of the South China Sea.The statement mentioned that it was recalled that the commemorative "Declaration" passed in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on November 11, 2022 signed a joint statement in the 20th anniversary of the signing of the "Declaration", promised to continue to fully and complete the declaration, and promote the progress of the time in accordance with each other.The content and compliance include the "South China Sea Behavior Code" that includes the United Nations Convention in the United Nations Ocean Law in 1982.

The heads of state of the two countries also agreed to further strengthen the comprehensive strategic cooperative relationship between China and the Philippines under the new situation, be good neighbors with mutual help, good relatives who know each other, and good partners with mutual benefit and win -win situation.In the year, the spirit of the joint communiqué of the China Philippines and the Joint Communist Party, including solving all disputes through peaceful ways, respecting each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and not interfered with the internal affairs.The Philippines reiterated to adhere to a Chinese policy.

At the same time, the heads of state of the two countries welcomed the strengthening of China's Asian Asian Simpan cooperation under the framework of China's Asia Gyeongan (ASEAN) comprehensive strategic partnership framework, and reiterated that the support of Asia -Pacific structures in the Asia -Pacific region of Asia -PacificConstruction and community.

In the field of oil and gas cooperation, a statement states that both China and the Philippines agreed to keep in mind the spirit of the memorandum of understanding of oil and gas development cooperation with the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of the Philippines in 2018.Oil and gas development consultations at sea to benefit the two countries and the people of the two countries.The two sides will explore cooperation in the fields of solar energy, wind energy, electric vehicles, nuclear power generation.

In terms of infrastructure construction, the two parties have expressed their willingness to continue to deepen the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the "multi -building" planning docking to promote cooperation in infrastructure projects with high quality.The two parties renewed the "Belt and Road" cooperation memorandum, signed the framework agreement between the Pasig River Bridge project and the China -China aid infrastructure project transfer certificate, and supported the exchange opinions of the Philippine infrastructure construction related loan agreement.The two parties will further deepen infrastructure construction cooperation, build key projects such as the Davo -Samal Bridge, and discuss the development of economic and trade innovation and development in a agreed place to jointly maintain the stability of the production chain.

According to the statement, the two sides also emphasize the importance of scientific and technological innovation and exchanged opinions on the priority field of China's Asian Jia'an scientific and technological innovation cooperation.The two sides agreed to explore cooperation in the fields of meteorological cooperation, aerospace measurement and control cooperation.The two sides are willing to actively consider establishing a rocket launch information reporting mechanism and cooperate in the recycling and return of the Rocket Blood.

At the end of the statement, Magaks thanked Xi Jinping's enthusiastic and friendly reception for the Chinese government and the people, and invited Xi Jinping to visit the Philippines again when both parties were convenient.

Little Marco Starting on Tuesday (January 3), a three -day state -owned visit to China will be launched, and on Wednesday, he meets Xi Jinping, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, and Li Zhanshu, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.Essence

This is the first visit to China after President Last June last year, and it is also the first foreign leader received by China in 2023.Xi Jinping held a welcome ceremony for the Great Hall of the People on Wednesday. Welcome banquets were also held at a high specification.